




At the right side of the screen when you choose to see the unanswered questions there's a list of tags, and clicking one of those will get you to a URL such as:

which shows all unanswered questions with those that are tagged with the one you selected highlighted in orange.

I was wondering if I could obtain a list of unanswered questions that contain several tags of my choice, for example, if I just want to see questions that are tagged as php and also as security (but not interested in php general questions or security general questions).

And to kill two birds with a stone, is it possible to get the list of unanswered questions for the selected tag or tags just containing the items that are tagged with it/them, rather than getting them highlighted on the full list?

Thanks all,

+4  A: 

When reviewing unanswered questions, you can get both AND and OR behavior with tags. This functionality does not work with the "My Tags" view of unanswered questions. Either select "votes" or "newest" prior to searching or add ?tab=newest to the url..

Search multiple tags with AND

Add " othertag" to the url as in:

Search multiple tags with OR

Add " or othertag" to the url as in:

Alex B
Alex B, they both behave as OR for me.
Use a + instead of space.
I like using spaces so I can search for c++ as one of the tags as in:
Alex B

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