I've just tested this on PowerShell v1.0. Setup is as follows:
Id CommandLine
-- -----------
1 $msbuild = "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\msbuild.exe"
4 $a = "C:\some\project\or\other\src\Solution.sln /target:Clean /target:Build"
This line fails with an unintuitive error message:
Id CommandLine
-- -----------
5 & $msbuild $a
This line fails because & expects the first argument to be the command itself.
Id CommandLine
-- -----------
10 & "$msbuild $a"
This line works:
Id CommandLine
-- -----------
16 cmd /c "$msbuild $a"
Please explain. I'm more interested in why the & syntax isn't working, than an MSBuild-specific workaround.