



What are the top / proven Moleskine techniques that have helped you as a developer/programmer on managing your daily tasks or projects. Are there any API cheatsheets available that can be printed out and fit into a Moleskine that you know of, for either Pocket 3.5x5.5 or Large Notebook 5.25x8.25?

+3  A: 

Check out The PocketMod.

Bill the Lizard
+1  A: 

An overview of DIY planners.

The best technique tip I can give is to actually use the notebook to write down any work-related stuff that pops up when not at work so it can be dealt with later in the correct context (a.k.a. "distributed cognition").

+1  A: 

I personally find that using Google Notebook to keep small ideas, links and other things together allow me to easily remember to do certain tasks as well as helping me find that one thing I was looking at months ago for a certain tricky bug.

The other thing that I do is that I blog. Writing ones ideas and thoughts down for the rest of the world to peruse at their leisurely time gives me a chance to clearly think out the ideas again to present them in a fashion that is understandable by the people I am targeting, make it as clear as possible, simplifying certain ideas and thoughts, and generally since I am looking at something in a new light I can find new ideas and tricks and tips.
