I have here what I understand to be a relatively simple OpenMP construct. The issue is that the program runs about 100-300x faster with 1 thread when compared to 2 threads. 87% of the program is spent in gomp_send_wait()
and another 9.5% in gomp_send_post
The program gives correct results, but I wonder if there is a flaw in the code that is causing some resource conflict, or if it is simply that the overhead of the thread creation is drastically not worth it for a a loop of chunk size 4. p
ranges from 17 to 1000, depending on the size of the molecule we're simulating.
My numbers are for the worst case, when p is 17 and the chunk size 4. The performance is the same whether I'm using static, dynamic, or guided scheduling. With p=150
and chunk size 75
, the program is still 75x-100x slower than serial.
double e_t_sum=0.0;
double e_in_sum=0.0;
int nthreads,tid;
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 4) reduction(+ : e_t_sum, e_in_sum) shared(ee_t) private(tid, i, d_x, d_y, d_z, rr,) firstprivate( V_in, t_x, t_y, t_z) lastprivate(nthreads)
for (i = 0; i < p; i++){
if (i != c){
nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
tid = omp_get_thread_num();
d_x = V_in[i].x - t_x;
d_y = V_in[i].y - t_y;
d_z = V_in[i].z - t_z;
rr = d_x * d_x + d_y * d_y + d_z * d_z;
if (i < c){
ee_t[i][c] = energy(rr, V_in[i].q, V_in[c].q, V_in[i].s, V_in[c].s);
e_t_sum += ee_t[i][c];
e_in_sum += ee_in[i][c];
ee_t[c][i] = energy(rr, V_in[i].q, V_in[c].q, V_in[i].s, V_in[c].s);
e_t_sum += ee_t[c][i];
e_in_sum += ee_in[c][i];
// if(pid==0){printf("e_t_sum[%d]: %f\n", tid, e_t_sum[tid]);}
}//end parallel for
e_t += e_t_sum;
e_t -= e_in_sum;