I have a COM DLL that calls a method inside a managed C# DLL. This function returns a C# string[] array, which is marshaled to a SAFEARRAY.
When I try to access the strings within the safearray I only get the first char of the string. What am I doing wrong?
The code:
// Pointer to the managed interface
DatabasePtr pODB(__uuidof(DBClass));
// Get the string[] array from the managed method
SAFEARRAY* safearray = pODB->GetStringArray();
HRESULT hresult;
long ubound;
long lbound;
hresult = SafeArrayGetUBound(safearray, 1, &ubound);
hresult = SafeArrayGetLBound(safearray, 1, &lbound);
long index;
BSTR fromarray;
for (; lbound <= ubound; lbound++)
index = lbound;
hresult = SafeArrayGetElement(safearray, &index, (void*)&fromarray);
char buffer[512];
MessageBox(0, (LPCSTR)buffer, "...", 0);
Thanks for your help,