



I need a charting library that could work on the Iphone standalone (no Internet).

I only need bars & pie. Is for a bussines-oriented app.

If not exist, then how integrate a JS one?

+3  A: 

There are no mature graph libraries for the iPhone (yet). You may want to keep an eye on the Core Plot project which is developing a Mac OS X and iPhone plotting library that makes use of Core Animation on both targets. It's currently not ready for production use. In particular, bar and pie charts are not implemented yet. Core Plot is the subject of WWDC 2009's scientific coding project, however, so expect it to make significant progress during and after WWDC.

In terms of embedding a JavaScript charting library, you can always use a WebKit view to host a web page containing whatever JavaScript you want. You will likely be interested in this sample code showing how to call into JS from Objective-C and visa versa.

Barry Wark

Since this was asked an excellent open source framework has come available:
