


+1  Q: 

anchor IE 6 bug

I created an anchor like this:

<a id="create" />

and it works in IE 7 but not in IE 6.

How do I fix it in IE6?

Further Info:

I am using c#. I am running it in IE6 and in an iframe. The screen just refreshes and the panel doesn't show. But if I don't use:

Response.Redirect(Request.Url.PathAndQuery + "&New=1#create");

i.e. If I do:

Response.Redirect(Request.Url.PathAndQuery + "&New=1");

It works fine, but doesn't goto the panel. btw: it all works fine under IE 7. It doesnt work in IE 6 or in IE 6 in an iframe

+2  A: 

from memory you use the 'name' attribute

sorry that doesn't work either, I may have forgotten to add but the webpage I am running is in an iframe. I am unsure how this would affect it.
+1  A: 

try to use name='create'

sorry that doesn't work either, I may have forgotten to add but the webpage I am running is in an iframe. I am unsure how this would affect it.
is the originating link in the iframe as well?
When I do it on IE 7, it is not in an iframe. It works fine.In IE 6, it doesn't work at all. Whether in iframe or not.
+3  A: 

IE 6 has a strange behaviour, it does not recognizes redirects with anchors in it. The workaround is to add additional ampersand symbol '&' before the '#'. So, in your example, the code will look like Response.Redirect(Request.Url.PathAndQuery + "&New=1&#create");

I suggest you to check User-Agent on the server side and add this additional ampersand if the browser is IE 6.

Artem K.
Check this post for more information
Artem K.
You're kidding?! Of all gay IE6 behaviour I think this rates as one of the gayest!
Thanks very much... this solved it... can't believe IE6 has this bug. But since all my end-users are using IE6, it was mandatory.Thanks again!