A survey of the literature should be a fine focus for a MS thesis. It sounds like you want to just talk about black-box GUI-driving customer-facing tools, which is a reasonably small niche.
You /might/ want to have a page or two on the whole world of test tools - unit testing, security, load, etc, as someone mentioned above. But I think you targeted your niche pretty well.
I would think with a 6-credit thesis you should have plenty of time to explore and try out some of the bigger commercial and open-source tools as well as survey the literature. I would encourage you to look into both commerical tools (quick test pro, test complete) and also keyword-driven automation - selenium RC, for example. Someone else mentioned testing "behind the GUI" eg FIT/Fitnesse, it might be worth discussing and evaluating.
I cover black-box, functional test automation in my monthly column in the December 2008 issue of software test and performance magazine:
http://www.stpmag.com/issues/stp-2008-12.pdf (page 7)
That's the one page scratch-the-surface introduction. The five-sentence introduction is that screen record/playback tools compare everything, so if your GUI changes at all, in any way (even if you just change the screen resolution) that can come back as a false error. Keyword-driven tools only check what you tell them to check - they miss if a button is suddenly disabled for no good reason or an icon is not transparent.
Only a human is good at checking that hidden assertion at the end of every test case "... and nothing else strange happened."
So computer-based test execution and evaluation can have some value, but it should be part of a balanced breakfast.
Other things to look into:
- James Bach's "Software Test Automation Snake Oil"
- Kaner, Bach and Pettichord's book "Lessons Learned in Software Testing"
- My blog post on test Frameworks -
http://xndev.blogspot.com/2007/09/whats-test-framework.html (it's the number 4 google result for "what is a test framework", so I'm comfortable recommending it)
- The minefield analogy ( http://www.testingperspective.com/tpwiki/doku.php?id=minefield )
- The papers of Doug Hoffman on test automation:
- The classic "shelfware" problem of test automation
- The anti-intellectualism pushed by some proponents of the blackbox test automation community
- Kaner's Black Box Software Testing Course
- James Bach's work on /cognitive/ testing
- Context Driven Software Testing
- Jon Kohl's work on "Man and Machine", or the cyborg approach (instead of computer-alone test execution and evaluation)
I hope that helps.