



I'm looking for a decent, and fast PHP editor for Windows. Something that runs natively under x64 would be ideal.

I've tried aptana studio, but I'm not impressed with all the excessive bloat. The clunky SVN support and lack of native FTP combined with basically a messy IDE is nasty.

I currently use Coda from Panic on my mac, and I love the SVN + FTP intergration. It is fast, responsive, and doesnt give me any hassle.

I'm not adverse to:

  1. Installing Linux if there is a suitable product.
  2. Using Visual Studio with appropriate plugins.
  3. Spending money on a commercial product.
+3  A: 

As far as open source applciations, you can try Eclipse with the PDT(PHP Develoment Tools) plugin. I've found it works well.

If you're willing to pay a little, Zend Studio is a very nice editor, it is based on PDT and Eclipse, but has some nice commercial quality polishing.

I frequently use both these solutions, and would recommend them to anyone. Especially if you're already comfortable with Eclipse.

For SVN support, use the Subclipse plugin to eclipse. The SVN plugin with Aptana I found frustrating also. Zend Studio has a nice SVN wizard. The Subclipse plugin integrates well into Eclipse.

Aptana Studio IS Eclipse with plugins. I doubt he will find it any less bloated.
Milan Babuškov
@Milan I realize this, and have used both, he will find it less bloated.
I have used both as well, and I don't find it any less bloated. Basically, what adds bloat in Aptana but is not present in Eclipse are exactly the stuff that a web developer needs. I find Eclipse great for C++ and Java, but for web dev. it is too much bloat. IMHO, of course.
Milan Babuškov

Try Geany

It is very fast and lightweight. Developers call it IDE, but I'd rather call it "editor on steroids". It does autocomplete on some HTML tags, and has autocomplete and calltips for PHP functions.

It has Subversion plugin

It does not have a FTP plugin though, main reason because you can easily read/write remote FTP as if they were on the local disk and work with those just like regular files:

Milan Babuškov
its nice that you can mount ftp drives but can you change the editor for the files. my files keep opening up in explorer. thats not useful at all
+2  A: 

I particularly like NuSphere's PhpED. Has debugging, code folding, etc. in addition to FTP and svn, and it's pretty fast.

+1  A: 

While it is not free I can strongly recommend Ultra Edit:

The studio version has integrated SVN as well as ftp.

I like it mostly because the editor itself is very powerful.

I love UltraEdit been using it for years!
+4  A: 

Not sure if NetBeans has FTP support for transferring files to and from, but it has excellent Subversion support. I've come to like NetBeans very much, my last editor was the Zend Studio IDE.

Yes, it does. On your project properties for exisiting PHP projects Run Configuration -> Run As -> Remote Web Site (FTP,SFTP).Netbeans for PHP is great. Not as good as for Java or Ruby but I'm still not considering anything else.

Either the One True Editor, or the Other One True Editor. Both have baked-in support for SVN, and though I've never used it, I'm fairly sure TRAMP can do FTP (not sure about VIM for this).

Ben Straub

I use Activestate's Komodo IDE. It has good SVN integration and can open files from remote servers (including FTP). With a very large project it can get a little slow/clunky but it's general pretty fast.

Komodo IDE is a commerical product (~$300 USD), but ActiveState have a cut down open source version called Komodo Edit but I do not believe it has SVN support.

An alternative for FTP support is to use a a program like Fuse (OSX/Linux only) to mount a FTP server as a directory, I believe there are a couple of commercial Windows programs that offer similar features.


I use PHP Designer and it's works well. Has TortoiseSVN support, fast, not too large, ftp, debugging, live syntax checking etc.

Not too expensive either :)

Can't post the link coz i'm a new user :(

+4  A: 

Notepad++ with FTP_synchronize and Subversion plugins.

And it's free.

Milen A. Radev

I personally use NetBeans. I used Eclipse PDT, but NetBeans seemed cleaner and faster. Easier to configure as well. It has it's own Subversion plugin which works very well. There's also FTP extension called Remote File System but I haven't used it.

Michal M

I use Netbeans it has both sftp and ftp support with full featured subversion support (diff,merge,history etc). You can connect to remote machine through ssh inside the ide itself(like PuTTY).