




I'm looking for some good quality OO books, if any exist for VB .Net, that'd be awesome.

Have you read anything that you would recommend?


I've always liked the Deitel and Deitel books. For a VB specific one I would check out Visual Basic 2008: How to Program:


Jason Down
I've read that book, it's definitely worth reading to learn VB2008, but not to learn OOP, IMHO.
Moayad Mardini
+1  A: 

I learned OO from scratch with Booch, found it very clear and helpful.

John Pirie
+1  A: 

Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with VB 2005: From Novice to Professional by Apress is a very good book. Actually had it sitting right here on my desk when I saw this question. You may be able to find a more up to date edition.

Bought this and it seems to be pretty good. Thanks.
+2  A: 

"Object-oriented software construction" from author Bertrand Meyer. It is the creator of the language Eiffel. It is not really bound to eiffel but a great source for object orientation

Norbert Hartl
yes - THE book about the concepts of object orientation. It really improved my understanding of the underlying concpts!
Tobias Langner

UML Distilled by Martin Fowler - I agree this is a UML book but it should give an excellent explanation of OO core concepts. IMHO this is a must read for anybody aspiring to learn OO.

AB Kolan

look at http://www.mindview.net/Books

Andrea Balducci
+1  A: 

Robert Martin's "Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices" is an excellent book, although unfortunately, like other good books recommended in other answers, it does not use VB.NET (it uses C++ and Java).

Alex Martelli
+1  A: 

Books are quite linear.

*takes off joke hat*

Ólafur Waage

Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers. You would think it's a book on unit-testing, but in fact it's a book on OOD.
