



I am interested in going to the DevDays conference but it's not coming any where near Atlanta. I am sure some of you all are in the same situation. Perhaps we should go grass roots and use the power of StackOverflow to bring DevDays to your city. What city do you live near (metro population over 1 million)? If other users agree voting them up will give Jeff and Joel a good feel for interest for that city.

+1  A: 

yeah, it would be nice to see DevDays come to other cities, although I know conferences like this take alot of time and effort to set up and can't just be "added" to a city. I think divo is on the right track, maybe some live stats could be gathered for active users and see where most of them live, and try to bring a conference to one of those cities.

I would definitely go if one came around my home.

Robert Greiner