



I'm almost done with this, just a few last hiccups. I now need to delete all records from a table except for the top 1 where readings_miu_id is the "DISTINCT" column. In other words words i need to delete all records from a table other than the first DISTINCT readings_miu_id. I am assuming all i need to do is modify the basic delete statement:

DELETE FROM analyzedCopy2
WHERE readings_miu_id = some_value

but i cant figure out how to change the some_column=some_value part to something like:

where some_column notequal to (select top 1 from analyzedCopy2 as A 
where analyzedCopy2.readings_miu_id = A.readings_miu_id)

and then i need to figure out how to use an UPDATE statement to update a table (analyzedCopy2) from a query (which is where all of the values i want stored into column RSSI in table analyzedCopy2 are currently located). I've tried this:

UPDATE analyzedCopy2 from testQuery3 SET analyzedCopy2.RSSI = 
(select AvgOfRSSI from testQuery3 INNER JOIN  analyzedCopy2 on analyzedCopy2.readings_miu_id =  testQuery3.readings_miu_id where analyzedCopy2.readings_miu_id = testQuery3.readings_miu_id) 
where analyzedCopy2.readings_miu_id = testQuery3.readings_miu_id

but apparantly i cant use FROM inside of an update statement. Any thoughts?

I'm sure i'm going about this a very nonstandard (and possibly if not probably the flat out wrong) way but im not being allowed to use vb.net2008 to pull and manipulate then store the data like i would like to so i'm stuck right now using sql statements in ms-access which is a good learning experience (Even if trying to do such odd things as i've been having to do in sql statements is making me beat my head against my deck figuratively of course)


I don't have a copy of access on this machine, and it's been a few years since I dabbled in access, so I'm taking a wild stab here, but can you do a

delete from analyzedCopy2
where readings_miu_id not in (select top 1 readings_miu_id from analyzedCopy2 order by...)

(you'll need the order by to get the proper top 1 record, order by the id maybe?)

I've got no hope of helping you with the second one without a copy of access. I know how I'd do it in TSQL, but access is a whole different kettle of wtf's :-)

Dan F
thats kinda close but it deletes all records where readings_miu_id isn't equal to the top readings_miu_id in the entire table instead of deleting only the duplicate readings_miu_id's rows. I tried this:delete from analyzedCopy2 as Awhere readings_miu_id not in (select top 1 readings_miu_id from analyzedCopy2 where analyzedCopy2.readings_miu_id = A.readings_miu_id order by readings_miu_id)but it doesn't delete anything. as far as i can tell this is because im looking at the value of top 1 readings_miu_id (which is all of them when i do it this way) instead of the entire record of top 1
Uh, I read your original question as asking for exactly what this gives you -- you want to delete everything but the TOP 1, and that's precisely what Dan's SQL gives you. Perhaps you need to edit your question. This should be completely doable without a temp table.
+2  A: 

MS Access UPDATE sql statements cannot reference queries, but they can reference tables. So the thing to do is store the query results into a table.

SELECT YourQuery.* 
INTO TempTable1
FROM YourQuery

Now you can use TempTable1 in an UPDATE query:

UPDATE TargetTable
INNER JOIN TempTable1 ON TempTable1.TargetTableId = TargetTable.Id
SET TargetTable.TargetField = TempTable1.SourceField

See my answer to this question.

yay!!, thanks. that worked for that part now i have to either figure out how to delete all rows (records) from analyzedCopy2 that are not the first distinct readings_miu_id or figure out how to modify a code like this:SELECT top 1 *from analyzedCopy2 as Awhere readings_miu_id = A.readings_miu_idto get what i need.
How do you define the first distinct readings_miu_id? Does it have a date?

I was trying to make too complicated, since all of the records that i needed to pull had the same information in each field that i needed all i had to do was use:

   SELECT DISTINCT readings_miu_id, DateRange, RSSI, ColRSSI, Firmware, CFGDate, FreqCorr, Active, OriginCol, ColID, Ownage, SiteID, PremID, prem_group1, prem_group2
FROM analyzedCopy2   
ORDER BY readings_miu_id;

in order to pull the top 1 record per readings_miu_id.
