



Hi all

I'm trying to write a simple unit test that will verify that, under a certain condition, a class in my application will log an error via the standard logging API. I can't work out what the cleanest way to test this situation is.

I know that nose already captures logging output through it's logging plugin, but this seems to be intended as a reporting and debugging aid for failed tests.

The two ways to do this I can see are:

  • Mock out the logging module, either in a piecemeal way (mymodule.logging = mockloggingmodule) or with a proper mocking library.
  • Write or use an existing nose plugin to capture the output and verify it.

If I go for the former approach, I'd like to know what the cleanest way to reset the global state to what it was before I mocked out the logging module.

Looking forward to your hints and tips on this one...

+2  A: 

You should use mocking, as someday You might want to change Your logger to a, say, database one. You won't be happy if it'll try to connect to the database during nosetests.

Mocking will continue to work even if standard output will be suppressed.

I have used pyMox's stubs. Remember to unset the stubs after the test.

+1 Some of the benefits of AOP. Rather than wrapping every backend in a generic-style class/object.
Aiden Bell

Found one answer since I posted this. Not bad.

+2  A: 

As a follow up to Reef's answer, I took a liberty of coding up an example using pymox. It introduces some extra helper functions that make it easier to stub functions and methods.

import logging

# Code under test:

class Server(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._payload_count = 0
    def do_costly_work(self, payload):
        # resource intensive logic elided...
    def process(self, payload):
        self._payload_count += 1"processed payload: %s", payload)
        logging.debug("payloads served: %d", self._payload_count)

# Here are some helper functions
# that are useful if you do a lot
# of pymox-y work.

import mox
import inspect
import contextlib
import unittest

def stub_all(self, *targets):
    for target in targets:
        if inspect.isfunction(target):
            module = inspect.getmodule(target)
            self.StubOutWithMock(module, target.__name__)
        elif inspect.ismethod(target):
            self.StubOutWithMock(target.im_self or target.im_class, target.__name__)
            raise NotImplementedError("I don't know how to stub %s" % repr(target))
# Monkey-patch Mox class with our helper 'StubAll' method.
# Yucky pymox naming convention observed.
setattr(mox.Mox, 'StubAll', stub_all)

def mocking():
    mocks = mox.Mox()
        yield mocks
        mocks.UnsetStubs() # Important!

# The test case example:

class ServerTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_logging(self):
        s = Server()
        with mocking() as m:
            m.StubAll(s.do_costly_work,, logging.debug)
            # expectations
            s.do_costly_work(mox.IgnoreArg()) # don't care, we test logging here.
  "processed payload: %s", 'hello')
            logging.debug("payloads served: %d", 1)
            # verified execution

if __name__ == '__main__':
Pavel Repin
I like your innovative use of a contextmanager decorator to implement "scoped mocking". Nice.
PS: it's a real shame about PyMOX's lack of pep8 conformance.
+3  A: 

I used to mock loggers, but in this situation I found best to use logging handlers, so I wrote this one based on the document suggested by jkp:

class MockLoggingHandler(logging.Handler):
    """Mock logging handler to check for expected logs."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        logging.Handler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def emit(self, record):

    def reset(self):
        self.messages = {
            'debug': [],
            'info': [],
            'warning': [],
            'error': [],
            'critical': [],