Possible Duplicate:
New Cool Features of C# 4.0
There are several(many) questions at SO about "what do you want in C# v4.0?". This question is different,I'm not asking you what you'd like to see in the new version of Microsoft's baby,but what is already in there since Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 is already out.
I myself found only optional parameters implemented in VS2010.
void foo(int a,int b = 10)
if(b != 10) throw new Exception();
void Main(string[] args)
Its very hard for me to find every single thing in that huge language,because I don't know what's planned to be implemented.All I've seen is those "What do you want in C# 4?" questions,which doesn't help my progress to grow up.
What new feature have you found in VS2010 Beta1?