



İ try to work Entity Framework with dynamic Data web Application But My solution run wthout error But Click gridview items create me :

Server Error in '/' Application. The method 'Skip' is only supported for sorted input in LINQ to Entities. The method 'OrderBy' must be called before the method 'Skip'.


At the risk of stating the obvious, perhaps you could locate the LINQ query in question, and change it so that OrderBy is called before Skip?

Robert Harvey
+1  A: 

Old question, but ran into this yesterday, so I thought posting the solution would make sense: this error occurs if you have selected the wrong template in Visual Studio for your dynamic data project. There are 2 templates (actually 4, 2 for websites and 2 for web projects):

  1. Dynamic data web application
  2. Dynamic data entities web application

Use 1 with linq-to-sql, use 2 with Entity Framework. If you use the first template with EF, you get the aforementioned error.



  1. Dynamic data web application
  2. Dynamic data entities web application

Use 1 with linq-to-sql, use 2 with Entity Framework. If you use the first template with EF, you get the aforementioned error.

This is the correct way to do it.