



Hi all so I have the following table, 't1'

id     r_id     o_id     count
1       2       100       1
2       3       100       1
3       5       100       1
4       2       101       2
5       3       101       2
6       4       101       2

What I'm trying to do is, for a given list of r_id's, return the r_id and o_id where the count is the highest (max). So ideally, given r_id's of 3 and 5, I would get the following:

r_id      o_id
 5         100
 3         101

I've tried the following:

select o_id, max(count), r_id from t1 where r_id IN (3, 5) group by r_id;

but it doesn't seem to give me the right associated o_id. Any ideas?


Harder than i thought at first glance - this should work:

select a.r_id,a.o_id from t1 a inner join (select r_id,max(count) as max from t1 group by r_id) as b on a.r_id = b.r_id and a.count = b.max where a.r_id in (3,5)
That does not work. It does not return the correct o_id.
Alex's is nicer than mine - use that one!

As you say you want r_id and o_id as the two output columns...:

SELECT r_id, o_id
FROM t1 AS a
WHERE r_id in (3, 5)
AND count =
  (SELECT MAX(count)
   FROM t1 AS b
   WHERE b.r_id = a.r_id

If there's more than one o_id with the same "maximal count" for a certain r_id, this will return them all (rather than picking one of them arbitrarily).

On MySQL 5.1 with your sample table:

mysql> select * from t1;
| id   | r_id | o_id | count |
|    1 |    2 |  100 |     1 | 
|    2 |    3 |  100 |     1 | 
|    3 |    5 |  100 |     1 | 
|    4 |    2 |  101 |     2 | 
|    5 |    3 |  101 |     2 | 
|    6 |    4 |  101 |     2 | 
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

this query gives me exactly your requested result:

| r_id | o_id |
|    5 |  100 | 
|    3 |  101 | 
2 rows in set (0.31 sec)

BTW, my exact version:

| 5.1.34    | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Alex Martelli
I'd rather have it return them arbitrarily...since running this query also did not work as I expected...Perhaps I just need to figure it out on my own. Thought someone might have a quick fix. Thanks anyway.
applying the query I give to the exact sample data you give I get exactly the sample results you request. Unless you clarify the "I expected" part of "did not work as I expected", you're essentially making it impossible for us to help you, right?
Alex Martelli
When I run your query on my side I get: r_id o_id 5 100
Amazing, because I do get both lines of course. Gonna edit my answer to show exactly what MySQL 5.1 is doing (can't do in a comment, no formatting) -- please do the same to your question, also specifying MySQL release, so we can debug this weird issue.
Alex Martelli
All of a sudden it worked...however, another problem has arisen: If there is only one r_id present, it will return nothing. So for example if you removed all of the rows containing "100" in the o_id field from the table I gave in this question, it will return no rows. Any ideas?
Ah, I fixed it. Thanks for all your help!