



I am trying to search an XML field within a table, This is not supported with EF.

Without using pure is possible to have native SQL support with EF?


I assume you're trying to do a XPath/XQuery search on the XML field, which can be done efficiently directly on the SQL Server.

But for that, you'd need to be able to execute some "native" T-SQL against the database you're connected to.

Linq2SQL offers the ExecuteQuery on the data context classes - EF doesn't have anything like that, really, since the EF tries to shield you from a variety of possible database backends.

I think you'd be best off grabbing your XML column from the entity and query it using a XmlDocument (.NET 2.0) or Linq-to-XML (XElement style; .NET 3.0 and up).


Thank you. However the idea is to let SQL search the field and do the work on the server rather then getting a record by record and searching on the client.After more research, I had to drop EF support for this, and use ADO.NET to solve the issue.Thanks for your help.
+5  A: 

BTW, I had the same problem and found a way to easily execute native SQL. Here's a code sample:

    static void ExecuteSql(ObjectContext c, string sql)
        var entityConnection = (System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnection)c.Connection;
        DbConnection conn = entityConnection.StoreConnection;

        ConnectionState initialState = conn.State;
            if (initialState != ConnectionState.Open)
                conn.Open();  // open connection if not already open
            using (DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                cmd.CommandText = sql;
            if (initialState != ConnectionState.Open)
                conn.Close(); // only close connection if not initially open
Justin Grant
public class RaptorRepository<T>
    where T : class
    public RaptorRepository()
        : this(new RaptorCoreEntities())

    public RaptorRepository(ObjectContext repositoryContext)
        _repositoryContext = repositoryContext ?? new RaptorCoreEntities();
        _objectSet = repositoryContext.CreateObjectSet<T>();

    private ObjectContext _repositoryContext;
    private ObjectSet<T> _objectSet;
    public ObjectSet<T> ObjectSet
            return _objectSet;

    public void DeleteAll()
            .ExecuteStoreCommand("DELETE " + _objectSet.EntitySet.ElementType.Name);



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