I want to create a class that initializes a timer which will be used as a central core for other class members to register themselves for the timer elapsed event. My problem is that I don't really know how to expose the timer elapsed event to other classes. One solution, that I think might work is that I simply expose the timer as a public property which will return the timer object and I can call the timer elapsed event from this object, for example:
MyAppTimer appTimer = new MyAppTimer();
Timer timer = appTimer.GetAppTimer;
timer.Elapsed += SomeMethod;
But with this solution I will be exposing the entire timer which I don't want. How can I pass in a method in the MyAppTimer class which will register the method with the timer's elapsed event internally? Is it something to do with delegates? Maybe something like:
public void RegisterHandler(someStuffGoesHere) //What do I pass in here?
timer.Elapsed += someStuffGoesHere;