I have a batch file that executes a java application. I'm trying to modify it so that whenever an exception occurs, it'll write the STDERR out to a file.
It looks something like this:
start java something.jar method %1 %2 2>> log.txt
Is there a way I can write the arguments %1 and %2 to the log.txt file as well? I don't want to write it to the log file everytime this batch file gets called, only when an exception occurs.
I tried searching for a way to redirect STDERR into a variable, but I couldn't figure it out. Ideally I'd like the log file to look something like:
Batch file called with parameters:
- "first arg"
- "second arg"
java.io.exception etc...
Batch file called with parameters:
- "first arg"
- "second arg"
java.io.exception etc...