




If you were given a new computers with Windows ( XP or Vista ) and had to install a development system for C# which used as little as it could of stuff created at Microsoft, how would you do it?

PS: I want to make clear ( since it seems I initially didn't ), I do not mean an IDE. I mean a system. Suppose I install XP or Vista without installing .Net.

What "components" ie compilers, runtimes and libraries do I have to install to make develop in C# and how can i do it using as few Microsoft products as I can.

+1  A: 

I have heard about Sharp develop

Arnis L.
+22  A: 

The question is, Why aren't you using Microsoft products for a product created by Microsoft?

If the answer is cost then have a looksee at the free version of the C# IDE and Compiler, Visual Studio Express.

If there are other reasons, then you can always use your own text editor, download Mono and get the Mono C# compiler and compile everything yourself. If you're looking for an alternative IDE, SharpDevelop is available.

George Stocker
Because Microsoft products have a way of forcing people to stay with Microsoft products, even when they don't want to.
@BubbaT: er... then why use C#? C# is a Microsoft developed language... and there is a non-Microsoft language that is quite similar to it (Java).
R. Bemrose
I know this is an old question, but just want to make the point that C# != Microsoft. Mono and DotGNU are great implementations of both C# and the CLI specification. Worth nothing too that, unlike Java, C# is an ISO standard as well as an ECMA Language (like JavaScript). There are some really great reasons to use it even if you have no interest in writing software for (or on) Microsoft platforms.
Iain Collins
+6  A: 

In terms of development IDE one of your best bets would be SharpDevelop

If you want to go a step further and not even use the Microsoft compiler you can use Mono (C# only).


I had used ASP.Net Web Matrix to develop some web site in c#1.0 years ago. Its free, lite & easy to use.

Rashmi Pandit
But it's completely obsolete and only supports ASP.NET 1.0. And anyway, it is a Microsoft product ;)
Thomas Levesque
Ok .. wasnt aware of that ... had used it in 2005 ... so its pretty old i guess considering the frequency with which microsoft launches new versions and tools .. :D
Rashmi Pandit
+1  A: 

You could use Eclipse, Mono and a C# plugin. For the more complex stuff you could use the command line for compiling.

Francis Gilbert
+2  A: 
C#Builder is no longer available.
Nathan Ridley
+5  A: 

The .NET Framework itself comes with a compiler and build system (csc/msbuild, the equivalent of gcc/make) built in. It's in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\v3.5. All you really need to build .NET code is a copy of Notepad (or preferably, Vim)

Paul Betts