I think its immune as soon as you executeReader you can kill the original SQL connection used for that reader, and then you can still read through the Datareader...
I expect its get stored in memory when you run the ExecuteReader command, then gets dumped when you have finshed reading through it.
ps. In one of my recent project i do exactly that.
Edit (Obviously i'm missing something here though it is a ODBC connection i'm using - Code below)
Public Sub ExecuteReader(ByVal comAuto As OdbcCommand, _
ByRef drAuto As OdbcDataReader, _
ByVal strSQL As String)
' Create the connection
conAuto = New OdbcConnection(Connection in here)
' Create the command
comAuto = New OdbcCommand(SQL, conAuto)
' Open the connection
' Execute the SQL against the database in the connection
dr = comAuto.ExecuteReader
Catch ex As Exception ' Catch the error
' Do Something
Finally ' Clean up objects
conAuto = Nothing
comAuto = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
I presume the connection is stored in the DataReader itself? As i pass the DataReader back through the sub to the business layer. I then read through that datareader even though i have killed the OdbcConnection and OdbcCommand???
First of all, a direct adaption of your code:
''//no need to pass in command - you're building a new one
Public Sub ExecuteReader(ByRef dr As OdbcDataReader, ByVal SQL As String)
''// Create the connection
Using conAuto As New OdbcConnection(Connection in here), _
comAuto As New OdbcCommand(SQL, conAuto)
''// Open the connection
''// Execute the SQL against the database in the connection
dr = comAuto.ExecuteReader
End Using
''//Connection is closed here. Note that your datareader is now worthless
End Sub
Because closing the connection like this generally invalidates your datareader, I usually use a datatable in 3Tier/nTier code. Also, that you would pass the SQL data to the method as a string troubles me - it indicates that you might have sql injection issues. My methods generally look more like this:
''// note that this function is private. This will enforce a complete separation of
''// data layer code from other code
Private Function getConnection() As OdbcConnection
Static connString as String = "read this from encrypted config file"
Return New OdbcConnection(connString)
End Function
''// Note the strongly typed parameters
Public Function GetSomeReportData(ByVal SomeParameterValue As String, ByVal OtherParameterValue As Integer) As DataTable
Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Column1= ? AND Column2 = ?"
Dim result As New DataTable()
Using cn = getConnection(), cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, cn)
cmd.Parameters.Add("OneParameter", OdbcType.VarChar, 100).Value = SomeParameterVale
cmd.Parameters.Add("OtherParameter", OdbcType.Int).Value = OtherParameterValue
Using rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
End Using
End Using
Return result
End Function
If you really want to use a datareader, you can use iterator blocks in C# to still return individual datareader results in a handy IEnumerable and still keep your connection safely enclosed in a using block.