



I've found a problem in Excel/VBA in the Worksheet_Change Event. I need to assign Target.Dependents to a Range, but if it has no dependents it brings up an error. I tried testing Target.Dependents.Cells.Count but that didn't work. Any Ideas?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Target.Cells.Count > 1 OR Target.Dependents.Cells.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub

Dim TestRange As Range

Set TestRange = Target.Dependents

I've also tried "Target.Dependents Is Nothing".


Here is the only way I found to make it work, but I'd love a better solution:

On Error Resume Next
Dim TestRange As Range
Set TestRange = Target.Dependents

If TestRange.HasFormula And Err.Number = 0 Then ...
Lance Roberts

As found on:

 'Returns a Collection of all Precedents or Dependents found in the Formula of the Cell argument
 'Arguments      : 'rngCell' = the Cell to evaluate
 '               : 'blnPrecedents' = 'TRUE' to list Precedents, 'FALSE' to list Dependents
 'Dependencies   : 'Get_LinksFromFormula' function
 'Limitations    : does not detect dependencies in other Workbooks
 'Written        : 08-Dec-2003 by member Timbo @
 Function Get_LinksCell(rngCell As Range, blnPrecedents As Boolean) As Collection
 Dim rngTemp As Range
 Dim colLinksExt As Collection, colLinks As New Collection
 Dim lngArrow As Long, lngLink As Long
 Dim lngErrorArrow As Long
 Dim strFormula As String, strAddress As String
 Dim varLink
 On Error GoTo ErrorH

  'check parameters
  Select Case False
   Case rngCell.Cells.Count = 1: GoTo Finish
   Case rngCell.HasFormula: GoTo Finish
  End Select

  Application.ScreenUpdating = False

  With rngCell

   If blnPrecedents Then
   Else: .ShowDependents
   End If

   strFormula = .Formula

   'return a collection object of Links to other Workbooks
   If blnPrecedents Then _
    Set colLinksExt = Get_LinksFromFormula(rngCell)

   Do 'loop all Precedent/Dependent Arrows on the sheet
    lngArrow = lngArrow + 1
    lngLink = 1

     Set rngTemp = .NavigateArrow(blnPrecedents, lngArrow, lngLink)

     If Not rngTemp Is Nothing Then
      strAddress = rngTemp.Address(External:=True)
      colLinks.Add strAddress, strAddress
     End If

     lngLink = lngLink + 1


   If blnPrecedents Then
    .ShowPrecedents True
   Else: .ShowDependents True
   End If

  End With

  If blnPrecedents Then 'add the external Link Precedents
   For Each varLink In colLinksExt
    colLinks.Add varLink, varLink
   Next varLink
  End If

 On Error Resume Next
  'oh, one of the arrows points to the host cell as well!
  colLinks.Remove rngCell.Address(External:=True)

  If Not colLinks Is Nothing Then Set Get_LinksCell = colLinks
  Set colLinks = Nothing
  Set colLinksExt = Nothing
  Set rngTemp = Nothing
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True

  Exit Function
  'error while calling 'NavigateArrow' method
  If Err.Number = 1004 Then

   'resume after 1st and 2nd error to process both same-sheet
   '   and external Precedents/Dependents
   If Not lngErrorArrow > 2 Then
    lngErrorArrow = lngErrorArrow + 1
    Resume LoopArrows_Begin
   End If
  End If

  'prevent perpetual loop
  If lngErrorArrow > 3 Then Resume Finish
  lngErrorArrow = lngErrorArrow + 1
  Resume LoopArrows_End

 End Function

 'Returns a Collection of Range addresses for every Worksheet Link to another Workbook
 '   used in the formula argument
 'Arguments: 'rngCellWithLinks'  = the Cell Range containing the formula Link
 'Written        : 08-Dec-2003 by member Timbo @
 Function Get_LinksFromFormula(rngCellWithLinks As Range)
 Dim colReturn As New Collection
 Dim lngStartChr As Long, lngEndChr As Long
 Dim strFormulaTemp As String, strFilenameTemp As String, strAddress As String
 Dim varLink
 On Error GoTo ErrorH

  'check parameters
  Select Case False
   Case rngCellWithLinks.Cells.Count = 1: GoTo Finish
   Case rngCellWithLinks.HasFormula: GoTo Finish
  End Select

  strFormulaTemp = rngCellWithLinks.Formula
  'determine if formula contains references to another Workbook
  lngStartChr = Len(strFormulaTemp)
  strFormulaTemp = Replace(strFormulaTemp, "[", "")
  strFormulaTemp = Replace(strFormulaTemp, "]", "'")
  'lngEndChr = Len(strFormulaTemp)

  If lngStartChr = lngEndChr Then GoTo Finish

  'build a collection object of links to other workbooks
  For Each varLink In rngCellWithLinks.Parent.Parent.LinkSources(xlExcelLinks)
   lngStartChr = InStr(1, strFormulaTemp, varLink)

   If Not lngStartChr = 0 Then
    lngEndChr = 1
    strAddress = Mid(strFormulaTemp, lngStartChr + Len(varLink), lngEndChr)

 On Error Resume Next
    'add characters to the address string until a valid Range address is formed
    Do Until TypeName(Range(strAddress)) = "Range"
     strAddress = Mid(strFormulaTemp, lngStartChr + Len(varLink), lngEndChr)
     lngEndChr = lngEndChr + 1
    'continue adding to the address string until it no longer qualifies as a Range
    If Not (lngStartChr + Len(varLink) + lngEndChr) > Len(strFormulaTemp) Then
     Do Until Not IsNumeric(Right(strAddress, 1))
      strAddress = Mid(strFormulaTemp, lngStartChr + Len(varLink), lngEndChr)
      lngEndChr = lngEndChr + 1
     'remove the trailing character
     strAddress = Left(strAddress, Len(strAddress) - 1)
    End If

 On Error GoTo ErrorH
    strFilenameTemp = rngCellWithLinks.Formula
    'locate append filename to Range address
    lngStartChr = InStr(lngStartChr, strFilenameTemp, "[")
    lngEndChr = InStr(lngStartChr, strFilenameTemp, "]")
    strAddress = Mid(strFilenameTemp, lngStartChr, lngEndChr - lngStartChr + 1) & strAddress

    colReturn.Add strAddress, strAddress
   End If

  Next varLink
  Set Get_LinksFromFormula = colReturn

 On Error Resume Next
  Set colReturn = Nothing
  Exit Function

  Resume Finish

 End Function
I had found that article and got some useful information from it, but it really doesn't answer the specific question. Sure wish Microsoft would document things better.
Lance Roberts
+4  A: 

Short answer, there is no way to test for dependents without raising an error, as the property itself is set to raise an error if accessed and there aren't any. I dislike the design but there is no way to prevent it without suppressing errors. AFAIK this is about the best you are going to be able to do with it.

Sub Example()
    Dim rng As Excel.Range
    Set rng = Excel.Selection
    If HasDependents(rng) Then
        MsgBox rng.Dependents.Count & " dependancies found."
        MsgBox "No dependancies found."
    End If
End Sub

Public Function HasDependents(ByVal target As Excel.Range) As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    HasDependents = target.Dependents.Count
End Function

Explanation, if there are no dependents an error is raised and the value of HasDependents stays unchanged from the type default,which is false, thus false is returned. If there are dependents, the count value will never be zero. All non-zero integers convert to true, so when count is assigned as the return value, true is returned. It's pretty close to what you are already using.

Thanks for the confirmation and explanation.
Lance Roberts
Nice example Oorang.
Mark Nold