I’m interested in picking up a book or two discussing in detail Agile software development life cycle. Does anybody have any suggestions?
Though not a book, I'd suggest having a listen to Ken Schwaber's excellent overview of Scrum talk.
It's not long and although Scrum specific, it does provide a lot of the background and motivation of Agile programmes.
Agile and Iterative Development by Craig Larman comes to me highly recommended from a friend (although I have to admit I have not read it). If you are new to different SDLCs a great introduction to SDLCs (and lots of other interesting topics) is Code Complete by Steve McConnell. I cant recommend this book enough I have learned (and am still learning) so much from this book. I found it on Jeff Atwood's recommended reading list so far this list has been nothing but good stuff. You also might get some good reads from Joel's recommended reading list for FogCreek's management training program, also good stuff.
The book by Craig Larman recommended above is a good overview of different agile methods, including the leaders: Scrum and XP.
The bible on Scrum is Agile Software Development with Scrum by Schwaber and Beedle. For XP, you should go to the source, Kent Beck's Extreme Programming Explained. For practical advice on agile project management, the book I've found most helpful is Manage It! by Johanna Rothman.