I wan't a method with which to find a string within another string. It should return the position of the first occurrence of the substring. (In VB 2008 !)
sorry, no. IndexOf takes only ONE char but I want to search for a whole string like "anything" !
2009-05-31 13:56:24
Sorry, no. IndexOf is overloaded, and I even linked to the right overload for you.
Matthew Flaschen
2009-05-31 13:57:37
OK, I'm sorry -> I just discovered that it also takes whole strings. My fault !
2009-05-31 14:02:23
No problem, Wuzzi.
Matthew Flaschen
2009-05-31 14:06:57
I think you are looking for InStr function, see: InStr at msdn
Daniel Persson
2009-05-31 13:58:03