



How can I define a [OperationContract] [WebGet] method to return XML that is stored in a string, without HTML encoding the string?

The application is using WCF service to return XML/XHTML content which has been stored as a string. The XML does not correspond to any specific class via [DataContract]. It is meant to be consumed by an XSLT.

public XmlContent GetContent()
   return new XmlContent("<p>given content</p>");

I have this class:

public class XmlContent : IXmlSerializable
 public XmlContent(string content)
  this.Content = content;
 public string Content { get; set; }

 #region IXmlSerializable Members

 public System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema GetSchema()
  return null;

 public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
  throw new NotImplementedException();

 public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)


But when serialized, there is a root tag the wraps the given content.

  <p>given content</p>

I know how to change the name of the root tag ([XmlRoot(ElementName = "div")]), but I need to omit the root tag, if at all possible.

I have also tried [DataContract] instead of IXmlSerializable, but it seems less flexible.

+3  A: 

Return an XmlElement. You don't need IXmlSerializable. You don't need a wrapper class.

example service interface:

namespace Cheeso.Samples.Webservices._2009Jun01
    [ServiceContract(Namespace="urn:Cheeso.Samples.Webservices" )]
    public interface IWebGetService
                BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare,
                    RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml,
                    ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml,
                    UriTemplate = "/Greet/{greeting}")]
        XmlElement Greet(String greeting);

service implementation:

namespace Cheeso.Samples.Webservices._2009Jun01

    public class WcfWebGetService : IWebGetService
        public XmlElement Greet (String greeting)
            string rawXml = "<p>Stuff here</p>";
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            doc.Load(new System.IO.StringReader(rawXml));
            return doc.DocumentElement;

See also, this similar question, but without the WebGet twist:

Thanks! That works, but does have the downside of deserializing the XML and then re-serializing it. Not as efficient as I would like, but at least it eliminates the root tag. Thanks for the alternative.
Doug D
Yup, I think if your original data is stored as a string, you have to go through that multi-step process. If it is just static strings, you could de-ser only once and then cache the result. Supposing it is a template that you fill in for the final document fragment - you could cache the template and fill in the dynamic bits with each request.