




The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

getting this when running nunit through ncover. Any idea?

+5  A: 

This is a mismatch between assemblies: a DLL referenced from an assembly doesn't have a method signature that's expected.

Clean the solution, rebuild everything, and try again.

Also, be careful if this is a reference to something that's in the GAC; it could be that something somewhere is pointing to an incorrect version. Make sure (through the Properties of each reference) that the correct version is chosen or that Specific Version is set false.

Jeremy McGee
is there a way to force the compiler to check this sort of thing at compile time? I could swear this was the default in VS2005.

I recently had this issue and I ran 'depends.exe' on the dll in question. It showed me that the dll was compiled in x86 while some of the dependencys were compiled in x64.

If you are still having troubles I would recommend using depends.exe.
