  • One Owner: Aka delete on Copy
  • std::auto_ptr

When the creator of the object wants to explicitly hand ownership to somebody else. This is also a way documenting in the code I am giving this to you and I am no longer tracking it so make sure you delete it when you are finished.

Martin York
+1  A: 
  • Shared Ownership
  • boost::shared_ptr

When a resource is shared between multiple objects. The boost shared_ptr uses reference counting to make sure the resource is de-allocated when everybody is finsihed.

Martin York
+2  A: 

std::tr1::shared_ptr<Blah> is quite often your best bet.

Matt Cruikshank
shared_ptr is the most common. But there are many more. Each has its own usage pattern and good and bad places to sue. A bit more description would be nice.
Martin York
If you're stuck with an older compiler, boost::shared_ptr<blah> is what std::tr1::shared_ptr<blah> is based on. It's a simple enough class that you can probably rip it from Boost and use it even if your compiler isn't supported by the latest version of Boost.
+1  A: 
  • One Owner
  • boost::scoped_ptr

When you need to allocate memory dynamically but want to be sure it gets deallocated on every exit point of the block.

I find this usefull as it can easily be reseated, and released without ever having to worry about a leak

+4  A: 

For me, these 3 kinds cover most of my needs:

shared_ptr - reference-counted, deallocation when the counter reaches zero

weak_ptr - same as above, but it's a 'slave' for a shared_ptr, can't deallocate

scoped_ptr - when the creation and deallocation happen inside the same function, or when the object has to be considered one-owner-only ever. When you assign one pointer to another, the second 'steals' the object from the first.

I have my own implementation for these, but they are also available in Boost.

I still pass objects by reference (const whenever possible), in this case the called method must assume the object is alive only during the time of call.

There's another kind of pointer that I use that I call hub_ptr. It's when you have an object that must be accessible from objects nested in it (usually as a virtual base class). This could be solved by passing a weak_ptr to them, but it doesn't have a shared_ptr to itself. As it knows these object wouldn't live longer than him, it passes a hub_ptr to them (it's just a template wrapper to a regular pointer).

Fabio Ceconello
Instead of creating your own pointer class (hub_ptr), why don't you just pass *this to these objects and let them store it as a reference? Since you even acknowledge that the objects will be destroyed at the same time as the owning class, I don't understand the point of jumping through so many hoops.
It's basically a design contract to make the things clear. When the child object receives the hub_ptr, it knows that the pointed object won't be destroyed during the child's lifetime, and has no ownership to it. Both the contained and container objects agree to a clear set of rules. If you use a naked pointer, the rules can be documented, but won't be enforced by the compiler and the code.
Fabio Ceconello
Also note that you can have #ifdefs to make hub_ptr be typedef'd to a naked pointer in release builds, so the overhead will exist only in the debug build.
Fabio Ceconello
+1  A: 

I don't think I ever was in a position to have shared ownership in my design. In fact, from the top of my head the only valid case I can think of is Flyweight pattern.

Nemanja Trifunovic
+3  A: 

Don't have shared ownership. If you do, make sure it's only with code you don't control.

That solves 100% of the problems, since it forces you to understand how everything interacts.


+8  A: 

Simple C++ Model

In most modules I saw, by default, it was assumed that receiving pointers was not receiving ownership. In fact, functions/methods abandoning ownership of a pointer were both very rare and explicitly expressed that fact in their documentation.

This model assumes that the user is owner only of what he/she explicitly allocates. Everything else is automatically disposed of (at scope exit, or through RAII). This is a C-like model, extended by the fact most pointers are owned by objects that will deallocate them automatically or when needed (at said objects destruction, mostly), and that the life duration of objects are predictable (RAII is your friend, again).

In this model, raw pointers are freely circulating and mostly not dangerous (but if the developer is smart enough, he/she will use references instead whenever possible).

  • raw pointers
  • std::auto_ptr
  • boost::scoped_ptr

Smart Pointed C++ Model

In a code full of smart pointers, the user can hope to ignore the lifetime of objects. The owner is never the user code: It is the smart pointer itself (RAII, again). The problem is that circular references mixed with reference counted smart pointers can be deadly, so you have to deal both with both shared pointers and weak pointers. So you have still ownership to consider (the weak pointer could well point to nothing, even if its advantage over raw pointer is that it can tell you so).

  • boost::shared_ptr
  • boost::weak_ptr


No matter the models I describe, unless exception, receiving a pointer is not receiving its ownership and it is still very important to know who owns who. Even for C++ code heavily using references and/or smart pointers.


yasper::ptr is a lightweight, boost::shared_ptr like alternative. It works well in my (for now) small project.

In the web page at http://yasper.sourceforge.net/ it's described as follows:

Why write another C++ smart pointer? There already exist several high quality smart pointer implementations for C++, most prominently the Boost pointer pantheon and Loki's SmartPtr. For a good comparison of smart pointer implementations and when their use is appropriate please read Herb Sutter's The New C++: Smart(er) Pointers. In contrast with the expansive features of other libraries, Yasper is a narrowly focused reference counting pointer. It corresponds closely with Boost's shared_ptr and Loki's RefCounted/AllowConversion policies. Yasper allows C++ programmers to forget about memory management without introducing the Boost's large dependencies or having to learn about Loki's complicated policy templates. Philosophy

* small (contained in single header)
* simple (nothing fancy in the code, easy to understand)
* maximum compatibility (drop in replacement for dumb pointers)

The last point can be dangerous, since yasper permits risky (yet useful) actions (such as assignment to raw pointers and manual release) disallowed by other implementations. Be careful, only use those features if you know what you're doing!


From boost, there's also the pointer container library. These are a bit more efficient and easier to use than a standard container of smart pointers, if you'll only be using the objects in the context of their container.

On Windows, there are the COM pointers (IUnknown, IDispatch, and friends), and various smart pointers for handling them (e.g. the ATL's CComPtr and the smart pointers auto-generated by the "import" statement in Visual Studio based on the _com_ptr class).

Ryan Ginstrom

There is another frequently used form of single-transferable-owner, and it is preferable to auto_ptr because it avoids the problems caused by auto_ptr's insane corruption of assignment semantics.

I speak of none other than swap. Any type with a suitable swap function can be conceived of as a smart reference to some content, which it owns until such time as ownership is transferred to another instance of the same type, by swapping them. Each instance retains its identity but gets bound to new content. It's like a safely rebindable reference.

(It's a smart reference rather than a smart pointer because you don't have to explicitly dereference it to get at the content.)

This means that auto_ptr becomes less necessary - it's only needed to fill the gaps where types don't have a good swap function. But all std containers do.

Daniel Earwicker
Maybe it becomes less necessary (I'd say scoped_ptr makes it less necessary than this), but it's not going away. Having a swap function doesn't help you at all if you allocate something on the heap and somebody throws before you delete it, or you simply forget.
That's exactly what I said in the last paragraph.
Daniel Earwicker