I have an XElement variable named content which consists of the following XML:
<title>Contact Data</title>
<p>This is a paragraph this will be displayed in front of the first form.</p>
<form idCode="contactData" query="limit 10; category=internal"/>
<form idCode="contactDataDetail" query="limit 10; category=internal">
<title>Contact Data Detail</title>
<description>This is the detail information</description>
I now want to simply run through each of the level-1 nodes and parse them into objects. Back in C# 2.0 I use to do this with XmlReader, check the type of node, and parse it accordingly.
But what is the best way to parse the XML nodes with LINQ, I would expect something like this:
var contentItems = from contentItem in pageItem.content.DescendantNodes()
select new ContentItem
Type = contentItem.Element()
foreach (var contentItem in contentItems)
switch (contentItem.Type)
case "title":
...(parse title)...
case "p":
...(parse p)...
case "form":
...(parse form)...
public class ContentItem
public string Type { get; set; }
public string IdCode { get; set; }
public XElement Content { get; set; }