




Most of you probaly know, and my page is much like that, so let's imagine doing this to Nerddinner.

When editing a dinner, you'll be redirected to Dinners/Edit.aspx, and presented of the partial view DinnerForm.ascx of type DinnerFormViewModel.

What if you wan't this DinnerForm presented in a jQuery UI Dialog?

I'm thinking: On the page where you choose to edit the dinner, you'll have a div containing the partial view DinnerForm:

<div id="editDinnerForm">
    <% Html.RenderPartial("DinnerForm", chosenDinnerToEdit); %>

So when you select a dinner to edit, that div is presented as a jQuery UI Dialog, and the chosen dinner is given to the partial view. (?!)

My question is how I can populate the partial view the current dinner to edit?

Thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

I'm not sure if I got your problem right, why can't you just load the partial view via Ajax into your document? In this cause you would just have something like this:

<select onchange="$('#editDinnerForm').load(<url>,{dinner:this.value});">

You could also easily cache these requests so that you don't have to render these partial forms again and again....

Seems like a good solution. I'll give that a try. But another problem arise... What if the form is invalid and the user gets redirected to what was the edit page? How can I popup the dialog if theres errors, so the user gets represented with the error messages and the forms?
Tommy Jakobsen
In this case it should be pretty easy for you to either pre-render the content on the server (since you know his selection) or just make the same Ajax request within the $(document).ready(...) function