



I've been looking for ways to do this for a while but haven't quite been able to find the right way to do it.

The task: Execute Javascript from a Linux command line.

For example, have the binary or whatever is going to interpret Javascript load up some .js files, then print a value of some variable.

More concrete example: I would like to get the final version of this page after Javascript has been interpreted and executed If you look at the page with Firebug, you will see that this obscure Javascript

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/var a,s,n;function a8bcb4f34dfd6e81cfdb9c115d1671582(s){r="";for(i=0;i<s.length;i++){n=s.charCodeAt(i);if(n<128){n=n ... etc ...</script>

turned into a nice embed code

<embed height="390" width="642" flashvars="file= ...etc .../>

This is just an example but hopefully you see what I'm driving at.

+2  A: 

Your sort of driving at two different points 1) executing javascript outside the browser 2) viewing results of javascript on a web page.

For the first problem, mozilla rhino is a javascript interpreter that runs in java. You can execute javascript through a command line.

For the second problem, look at the dom tab in Firebug, you can see the resulting document elements after the javascript has run.

Or you could enable script debugging, save a local copy of the page and insert it a debug(); statement.

Tim Hoolihan
fyi - that last note is a win/visual studio tip, and you said you were on linux, so that probably doesn't apply
Tim Hoolihan
I'm looking into Spidermonkey at the moment as there's a Perl lib that can talk to it. Rhino as far as I understand is pretty much the same thing but for Java rather than C.
Artem Russakovskii
For the 2nd problem, your solution is just as good as looking at Firebug's output, but I need to be able to get it on command line, so using a browser is not an option.
Artem Russakovskii
I've now successfully run that bit of Javascript code in my example using Spidermonkey. Researching some more to see how one can just feed it the whole site or a list of js files.
Artem Russakovskii
+2  A: 

I think you want to do some scraping while executing javascript. env.js described in might be helpful. I was meant to try it on some tool of mine but couldn't for the lack of time and settled with site specific scripts.

Very interesting. Looks very, very good.
Artem Russakovskii
If you go with env.js, there's been some work since the version in the blog to make it match browsers better. The code is at There are also several branches with additional functionality.
Matthew Crumley
+2  A: 

Take a look at the Rhino engine (Rhino on wikipedia)

Here are some alternative:

Boris Guéry