



It used to work and now when I press F12 nothing happens...the window does NOT appear. I've uninstalled any other toolbars I've installed and tried resetting by security settings in IE...nothing.

I'm using Windows 7 beta


The F12 Developer support feature was not added to IE8 until IE8 Beta 2. Is it possible you have a version of Win7 pre-IE8 Beta2?

Would you consider doing your IE8 development with the IE8 gold code in XP or Vista?

William Leara
+11  A: 

Maybe someone disabled them?
Here's how you do that.

Basically: Check the following registry key:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IEDevTools

In the worst case you can remove the whole key. This wil revert the settings back to default.

thank you very much. That actually wasn't the problem, but close. I looked in the register and found these keys:[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IEDevTools]"WindowPos"=hex:00,83,ff,ff,00,83,ff,ff,a0,83,ff,ff,26,83,ff,ff"Pinned"=dword:00000000"UseDevToolsDebugger"=dword:00000001erasing these keys brought the toolbar back.
You're welcome! (Updated my answer to reflect this ;-)
You're a star! I did have the problem that the window would appear on my Windows toolbar, but that I couldn't maximize it in any way, so it was always hidden. After deleting the reg values it started working again.
Superstar. I don't know how this happened to me, but it's bloody irritating.
Stephen Orr
+2  A: 

Just confirming that the Whozumommy's answer actually works. Remove WindowsPos, Pinned and UseDevToolsDebugger keys from the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IEDevTools]. That only happened after I have upgraded from Windows Vista to Windows 7.

It happened for me for some reading for windows 7 installed from scratch.
+4  A: 

The problem was most likely caused by the WindowsPos value.

If it happens again the two solutions are:

1) Right click on the thumbnail/title for the dev toolbar in the task bar and then select "Move" then press an arrow. Now if you move your mouse you should see the window follow your cursor around, left clicking will "detach" it from your cursor.

2) Delete the value WindowPos, don't set it to 0 as that will cause the issue to happen again, just delete the entry.


Thanks guys ! You saved my day. I still wonder why MS things are so complicated (and obfuscated). Anyway, It worked for me like a charm.


Sure it's not minimized?


Actually removing the entire key IEDevTools didn't work, so what I did is ask someone who have the Dev Tools working to export the registry key and execute it in mine.


I found a "Disabled" key at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IEDevTools with a value of 1; changed it to 0 and Developer Tools was enabled!


Removing the whole IEDevTools key fixed it for me.
