



Hi, I'm trying to install zend debugger in my Ubuntu 9.04 machine, I've done it in win. but not in linux, I hope you could help me, this is what I've done:

1)Copied the file to /etc/php5/apache2 (didn't choose this folder for anything in special).

2)Added this lines to php.ini:

zend_extension="/etc/php5/apache2/" zend_debugger.allow_hosts=,,localhost,*

I've also tried without quotes(zend_extension=/etc/php5/apache2/

3)Copied file dummy.php to /var/www

And then restarted Apache but I didn't see the information about Zend Debugger in the phpinfo(), the only related thing I found there was report_zend_debug On.

Thanks in advance


I found much more easy to install Xdebug in my Ubuntu machine.

Elzo Valugi
I never tried Zend, but Xdebug works well with Netbeans on my Ubuntu 9. Can't say as this answers the question, though!
It's only a suggestion and an alternative of course.
Elzo Valugi
+1  A: 
sudo mv /etc/php5/apache2/ /usr/lib/php5/20060613/

This is where your,, etc. are located. Unless you modified your php extensions directory that is where new exts should go.

In php.ini:


cd to that directory and chmod a-x to remove executable bits from the .so.

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop

In another terminal window, tail -f /var/log/error.log and clear console so it is easy to see new log entries coming in (cmd-k on macos).


sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start

If there are no errors in error.log, check phpinfo() and see if the debugger section shows up.

You might get errors in the configuration of other php extensions that occur further up in php.ini (e.g., xcache or eaccellerator) that will make loading stuff further down in php.ini problematic.

This is a baseline setup and should work if there are no other problems.


You can also try to install Zend Server Community Edition You'll get Zend Debugger enabled by default, along with some other nice features. There is a link to the deb repository available through the download page.

Norm 2782

I followed the same steps that you did with the same result. In the end the problem was that I was trying to load a 32bit binary with apache running in 64bit mode base (as described in this post) I was able to get it running immediately by doing the following.

  1. stopping apache
  2. executing sudo arch -i386 /usr/sbin/httpd
  3. restarting apache.

After replacing the 32bit binary with the 64bit binary everything worked as expected with no special apache handling. There was also some facepalming involved, but it did not affect the overall outcome.
