



I'm trying to use S#arp architecture... which includes Fluent NHibernate I'm newbie with (and with NHibernate too, frankly speaking). Auto mapping is used. So I have this:

public class UserAction : Entity
    public UserAction() { }

    [NotNull, NotEmpty]
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }

   [NotNull, NotEmpty]
   public virtual string TypeName { get; private set; }

   public class UserActionMap : IAutoMappingOverride<UserAction>
      public void Override(AutoMap<UserAction> mapping)
         mapping.WithTable("ProgramComponents", m => m.Map(x => x.TypeName));

Now, table UserActions references table ProgramComponents (many to one) and I want property UserAction.TypeName to have value from db field ProgramComponents.TypeName.

However, the above code fails with

NHibernate.MappingException: Duplicate property mapping of TypeName found in OrderEntry3.Core.UserAction

As far as I understand the problem is that TypeName is already auto-mapped... but I haven't found a way to remove the automatic mapping. Actually I think that my WithTable/Map mapping has to replace the automatic TypeName mapping, but seems like it does not.

I also tried different mapping (names are different but that's all the same):

   mapping.WithTable("ProgramComponents", m => 
       m.References<ProgramComponent>( x => x.Selector, "ProductSelectorID" )

and still get the same error.

I can overcome this with

mapping.HasOne<ProgramComponent>(x => x.Selector);

but that's not what I exactly wants to do. And I still wonder why the first two methods do not work. I suspect this is because of WithTable.


i'm getting the same error. did you figure this out?

No, I did a complete rewrite starting with domain classes instead of database (which is so much easier). Not sure if this will help, but I also had issues that Fluent applies conventions AFTER the auto-mapping. So, for example, in the IHasManyConvention I do "if (oneToManyPart.KeyColumnNames.List().Count == 0) oneToManyPart.KeyColumnNames.Add(oneToManyPart.EntityType.Name + "Id");" - i.e. I only apply conventions if not already set by auto-mapping. The error in this question also looks like property was mapped twice. Hope this helps. Or try to upgrade FNH - in case this is a bug in there.
Or, remove auto-mapping for this class and add a standard mapping. Notice that in case of S#arp I had to add mappings.AddMappingsFromAssembly(typeof(Northwind.Data.NHibernateMappings.MyMappingClass).Assembly); in AutoPersistenceModel Generate() for std mapping to work.

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