




I want to learn VB.NET. I am an experienced programmer in C, C++ and Java. I know VB 6.0. Which would be best book for me from below?

I made few choices:

  • Professional Visual Basic® 2008 by Bill Evjen, Billy Hollis, Bill Sheldon and Kent Sharkey
  • Mastering Visual Basic 2008. u can also suggest any other better book.
+2  A: 

I've found you rarely go wrong with the Pro series by Apress.

I don't work for them, so this isn't a shameless plug, but I own many of their series and love them. I would suggest them highly.

However, the Wrox series is pretty nice, and I own a couple of their as well. (In fact I work with one of their previous PHP authors currently, and he highly suggests them.)

I would suggest the Evjen title or goto amazon and search "Pro VB 2008 and the .NET 3.5 platform Troelsen". Either are well written and will help you along your way.

+2  A: 

I've always been a big fan of the Murach books by Anne Boehm for getting started in VB. I believe their latest is 'Murach's Visual Basic 2008'.

I've got the previous two (for vb2003 and vb2005) and they were good resources for getting started. I like the format because it has concepts and theory on the left hand page and code samples on the right hand page.

They are not hugely in-depth or for the expert, but they are great for getting started in VB.


+2  A: 

are you sure you want to go VB? C# programmers make more money (at least that's what i'm told) and C# is very similar to Java.

That being said, i'm a fan of the Programmer's Reference books

Robert Greiner
+3  A: 

"Programming Visual Basic 2005: The language" 2005 Edition, Microsoft Press, F. Balena as a good intermediate/advanced book, very well written, takes you through the complicated issues clearly and with examples.
