



I'm trying to create a popup message in my app. On success I want to open a dialog, animate it...and then close it. I guess a better question should have been, "How do you create a timed popup in Jquery...but anyway when I run my code it appears that my dialog appears for just a split second. If I remove the dialog('close') line it works up until that point. Does jquery fire these commands in sequence or in parallel?

   type: "POST",
   url: "/Sales",
   data: { customer: [id] },
   success: function(msg) {
      $('#thanks').animate({ backgroundColor: '#aa0000', color: '#fff', width: 500 }, 2000); 
+4  A: 

with lines the way you have it would work in almost synchronous. Try

 $('#thanks').dialog('open').animate({ backgroundColor: '#aa0000', color: '#fff', width: 500 }, 2000).dialog('close');

might not be waiting for the animate to finish. try adding a wait of 2000 in, or chaining the close.


The .dialog('close') call isn't waiting for your animation. But do you really want to close the dialog right away, or shouldn't you rather wait for user input (i.e. a link/button click) to close it?

Tomas Lycken
+1  A: 

You probably want to close the dialog in the callback from the animate function:

   type: "POST",
   url: "/Sales",
   data: { customer: [id] },
   success: function(msg) {
      $('#thanks').animate({ backgroundColor: '#aa0000', color: '#fff', width: 500 }, 2000, "linear", function(){ $('#thanks').dialog('close'); }); 

But I think you'd be better off using a plugin, such as jGrowl?
