I'm writing a custom Profile provider, but I still intend to use the default AspNetSqlMembershipProvider as my Membership provider. My GetAllProfiles() method in my Profile provider looks like this:
1 public override ProfileInfoCollection GetAllProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption authenticationOption, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords)
2 {
3 // Get the profiles
4 IQueryable<Profile> profiles = _profileRepository.GetAllProfiles();
6 // Convert to a ProfileInfoCollection
7 ProfileInfoCollection profileInfoCollection = new ProfileInfoCollection();
8 foreach (Profile profile in profiles)
9 {
10 MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(profile.UserId);
12 string username = user.UserName;
13 bool isAnonymous = false;
14 DateTime lastActivity = user.LastActivityDate;
15 DateTime lastUpdated = profile.LastUpdated;
17 ProfileInfo profileInfo = new ProfileInfo(username, isAnonymous, lastActivity, lastUpdated, 1);
19 profileInfoCollection.Add(profileInfo);
20 }
22 // Set the total number of records.
23 totalRecords = profiles.ToList().Count;
25 return profileInfoCollection;
26 }
How do I mock the Membership.GetUser() call so that I can write tests for this method? Any suggestions or examples? Thanks.