Since this is code review, let's go one by one:
That shebang line is most likely a typo. It should probably be
or whatever which perl
returns on your system.
use strict;
use warnings;
open (FILE, "/home/user/Desktop/infile.phy") || die "cant open file\n";
No need for package global filehandles when you can use lexical filehandles. The 3-argument form of open
is preferable these days. Also, the error message should indicate the file which you could not open:
my $filename = '/home/user/Desktop/infile.phy';
open my $input, '<', $filename
or die "Cannot open '$filename' for reading: $!";
my @body = <FILE>;
You are slurping the file into an array. That is completely unnecessary in this case.
my $count = 0;
my $string = '';
Declare and initialize (if necessary) any variables in the smallest possible scope.
my $count;
The variable $string
is not used anywhere else in your code.
foreach $_(@body){
This is silly. for
uses $_ if no loop variable is specified. It is easier to keep things straight if you instead specify a lexical loop variable.
for my $line ( @body ) {
However, I do not think you should slurp the file.
if ($_ =~ m/[X]/){
That results in a successful match if the line contains an X. So, it is equivalent to /X/
. However, that will not tell you the word that contained the 'X'. For that, you need to decide what a word is and do your matching at the word level.
With all that in mind, consider the following script. I have made a simplifying assumption regarding what I consider to be a word. You should be able to build on this to satisfy all the requirements:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $filename = "$ENV{TEMP}/test.txt";
open my $input, '<', $filename
or die "Cannot open '$filename' for reading: $!";
my $count;
while ( my $line = <$input> ) {
my @words = grep { /X/ } split /\b/, $line;
$count += @words;
print join(', ', @words), "\n";
print "$count\n";
UPDATE: If you do not care about finding the words within each line that have one or more X characters, the while loop would be simplified:
while ( <$input> ) {
$count += (my @matches = /(X)/g );
print if @matches;
by using $_. That, however, is probably inefficient (given that we are saving each matched X character). In this case, tr
works best:
my ($count, $n);
$n = tr/X// and $count += $n and print while <$input>;