




I was reading the Essential C# 3.0 book and am wondering if this is a good way to check delegates for null?:

class Thermostat
    public delegate void TemperatureChangeHandler ( float newTemperature );

    public TemperatureChangeHandler OnTemperatureChange { get; set; }

    float currentTemperature;

    public float CurrentTemperature
     get { return this.currentTemperature; }
      if ( currentTemperature != value )
       currentTemperature = value;

       TemperatureChangeHandler handler = OnTemperatureChange;

       if ( handler != null )
        handler ( value );

Does the solution changes if the type is immutable? I figured maybe with immutability you wouldn't run into this threading problem.

+4  A: 

There has been much discussion on this.

In short: you can't guarantee that the handler will be valid even by doing this copy/check for null/ execute step.

The problem is, if OnTemperatureChange is unregistered between the time you copy it, and the time you execute the copy, then it's probably true that you don't want the listener to be executed anyway.

You may as well just do:

if (OnTemperatureChange != null )
    OnTemperatureChange ( value );

And handle a null reference exception.

I sometimes add a default handler that does nothing, just to prevent the null reference exception, but that adds performance impact quite seriously, especially in the case where there is no other handler registered.

John Weldon
you can guarantee if you manually write the add/remove code for the event and handle the synchronization, otherwise multithreaded code should handle the possible exceptions
Sam Saffron
So basically if I understand correctly the simple solution works in single threaded code all the time, but it's not guaranteed in multi-threaded code, and there's not simple solution?
C. Ross
Yerp, multi threaded code is really tricky to get right in this regard see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/786383/c-events-and-thread-safety
Sam Saffron
+4  A: 

There is a reason the code you've given is recommended over C. Ross's version. However, John is also right that there is still another problem if an event is unregistered in the meanwhile. The blog I linked recommends that the handler ensure they can be called even after being unregistered.

Matthew Flaschen
+1  A: 

I just see a bit of refactoring that could be done but otherwise it looks good...

class Thermostat
    public delegate void TemperatureChangeHandler ( float newTemperature );

    public TemperatureChangeHandler OnTemperatureChange { get; set; }

    float currentTemperature;

    public float CurrentTemperature
        get { return this.currentTemperature; }
                if (currentTemperature != value)
                        currentTemperature = value;

                        if (this.OnTemperatureChange != null )
                                this.OnTemperatureChange.Invoke( value );
Interesting... I've not seen that approach before. Why would you do .Invoke() ?
John Weldon
Thanks. This doesn't have the same problems others mention?
Joan Venge
wouldn't Invoke() work? It is a delegate isn't it? Not trying to be a smart a.. I may have missed something.
No I mean the threading issue.
Joan Venge
Without the temp variable, this can give you a null-pointer exception. The problem is this.OnTemperatureChange can become null after you check. See http://blogs.msdn.com/ericlippert/archive/2009/04/29/events-and-races.aspx
Matthew Flaschen
@J.13.L 6 you can call the delegated method by use of method syntax, so just go:this.OnTemperatureChange(value);
Rune FS
Yep, you're in a catch-22. If you copy it to a temp variable and do the check for null, you can get caught with the fact that the listener that unregisters themselves is no longer in a state capable of receiving the event. A real conundrum that I don't see a good answer to.
The Above post from Eric describes just how to get out of the catch-22. The callee should it self be aware of it's own state and wether a call from the event handler is acceptable
Rune FS
+3  A: 

If the Thermostat class doesn't need to be thread safe then yes the above code is fine - as long as there is only one thread accessing that instance of Thermostat there is no way for OnTemperatureChange to become unregistered between the test for null and the call to the event.

If you need to make Thermostat thread safe then you might want to take a look at the following article (new to me, looks like a good read):


For the record, the recommendation is that you develop your classes not to be thread safe unless thread safety is explicitly needed as it can significantly increase the complexity of your code.

Developing for thread safety does bot in it self increase complexity. E.g. Immutables is often a good idea in any case and they are always thread safe.
Rune FS
+2  A: 

First, you aren't actually publishing an event - so at the moment, your code is "at risk" of people messing it up completely. It should be:

public event TemperatureChangeHandler CurrentTemperatureChanged;

The name "CurrentTemperatureChanged" is important for data-binding (there is a convention that the runtime uses - given a property Foo, it will look for FooChanged). However, IMO this should just be regular EventHandler. Data-binding will look for EventHandler, but more importantly: you aren't actually giving any information in the event that the subscriber can't already get just by looking at obj.CurrentTemperature.

I'll give the rest of the answer in terms of TemperatureChangeHandler, but I would encourage you (again) to switch to EventHandler:

public event EventHandler CurrentTemperatureChanged;

The approach:

TemperatureChangeHandler handler = CurrentTemperatureChanged;
if(handler != null) handler(value);

is reasonable, but (as per other replies) there is a slim risk of callers that think they disconnected getting the event. Unlikely in reality.

Another approach is an extension method:

public static class TemperatureChangeExt {
    public static void SafeInvoke(this TemperatureChangeHandler handler,
             float newTemperature) {
        if (handler != null) handler(newTemperature);

Then in your class you can just use:

        if (currentTemperature != value) {
            currentTemperature = value;
Marc Gravell