I have a windows form with a listview control. I have a selectedIndex changed event where i am performing some action. Through reflection I am trying to set the value of the list view. But the event is not getting fired. Any help will be helpfull.
The event looks like
private void LV1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (LV1.SelectedItems.Count>0)
if (LV1.SelectedItems[0].Text.ToString() == "testing")
// Do some work.
I am using relection in another project and changing the selected item as follows
Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom(exePath);
Type formType = a.GetType(formName);
testForm = (Form)a.CreateInstance(formType.FullName);
if (testForm != null)
Type t1 = testForm.GetType();
FieldInfo fi = t1.GetField(controlName, flags);
object ctrl = fi.GetValue(testForm);
ListView l1 = (ListView)ctrl;
l1.Items[0].Selected = true;