



I'm attempting to use the undocumented system procedure sp_MSforeachtable. But I need to restrict the affected tables to those that start with "smp" and that are in the "dbo" schema. I was able to find how to find procedures that start with "smp". I simply do:

sp_MSforeachtable @command1=' print ''?''', @whereand=' and name like ''smp%''  '

but how do I filter for a given schema using the @whereand parameter?

UPDATE: I tried the following but it didn't work:

sp_MSforeachtable @command1=' print ''?''', @whereand=' and name like ''smp%'' and Left(''?'', 5)=''[dbo]'' '

Update 2: I'm running on SQL Server 2000.

+1  A: 

Update for SQL2000:

declare @s nvarchar(1000)
set @s = ' and uid = ' + convert(nvarchar, user_id('my_schema'))
exec sp_msforeachtable @command1='print ''?''', @whereand = @s
1st one, Error message that says: 'SCHEMA_NAME' is not a recognized function name.2nd one, I get an error when concatinating and on top of that a simple select like what follows gives me: 'SCHEMA_ID' is not a recognized function name. - select ' and name like ''smp%'' AND schema_id = ' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, SCHEMA_ID('dbo') )
Frank V

From here:

--Drop table of particular shcemaID/shemaName and with name starting with 'Temp_'
Exec sp_MSforeachtable @command1 = "DROP TABLE ? PRINT '? dropped'"
    ,@whereand = "and uid = (SELECT schema_id FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 'dbo')
                  and LIKE 'Temp_%'"
Cade Roux
I had saw that from google searching. I get: Invalid object name 'sys.schemas'. I figure this is because I'm running on SQL server 2000.
Frank V
SQL 2000 doesn't have SCHEMAS, they have OWNERS.
+1  A: 

This should works in SQL Server 2000 (can't test now):

@whereand = '
  AND name like ''smp%'' AND
  OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(''name''), ''OwnerID'') = USER_ID(''dbo'')'

Use OBJECTPROPERTY to find the schema owner id.

Edit: OK, tested it on a SQL 2000 box:

@whereand = ' AND name LIKE ''smp%'' AND uid = 1'
@whereand = ' AND name LIKE ''smp%'' AND USER_ID(''dbo'')'

I could not get OBJECTPROPERTY to work

Hypothetically, it should work -- but it doesn't... I'm honestly not sure why but I ended up with no results. (And I did replace the "name" with ?
Frank V
What does OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(''name''), ''OwnerID'') in the query? NULL? 1?
I think he meant: OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(''?'') where the question mark is the @replacechar. If you are asking what that will resolve to -- it resolves to 1 assuming that I the correct dbo.
Frank V

This verion works in Sql Server 2005:

exec sp_MSforeachtable
    @command1=' print ''?''',
    @whereand=' and schema_name(schema_id) = ''dbo'' '

Not exactly sure for Sql Server 2000, but this version might work:

exec sp_MSforeachtable
    @command1=' print ''?''',
    @whereand=' and user_name(uid) = ''dbo'' '