This line:
Dim s As String = blockRenderer.Capture(RenderPartialExtensions.RenderPartial(h, UserControl, viewData))
is NOT equivalent to your original line:
string s = blockRenderer.Capture(
() => RenderPartialExtensions.RenderPartial(h, userControl, viewData)
The C# example is using a lambda, while the VB example is just calling the method directly, which doesn't return a value. The compiler isn't lying to you.
Try this instead:
Dim s = blockRender.Capture(New Action(Of String)(Function() RenderPartialExtensions.RenderPartial(h, UserControl, viewData)))
I took a look at Capture and it's expecting an Action which is just a delegate, and it looks like the compiler can't infer the delegate's signature to wrap the anonymous function. So we'll give it a helping hand and wrap the lambda ourselves.