In ExtJS 2.2.1, is there a way to configure what effect gets used when animCollapse=true on a Panel?
Try suggestion at: the Ext Forum.
animCollapse : Boolean/Mixed
False (default) to skip the animation, otherwise specify a valid Ext.fx method: 'blind' (the current effect), 'fadeIn', 'fadeOut', ...etc).
I think Ext Js topics are highly specialized, and the Ext JS Community Forums are the best place for getting your question answered.
Ryan Oberoi
2009-06-11 17:03:23
Good answer. But I actually would prefer ExtJs questions were asked and answered here - better, faster UI and a more pleasant community IMHO
2009-06-11 17:08:58
Yes, I agree. It would be great if Ext JS adopted StackOverflow model or even better if they moved their support to SO.
Ryan Oberoi
2009-06-11 17:16:33
I agree - I posted the question here because I believe StackOverflow is the best knowledge management system out there. I am learning, and learning to love ExtJS, but their support forums are not very usable compared to StackOverflow. If the people who monitor their forum (great people, great advice) were to use this tool instead, they would be way more effective, and ExtJS might even gain market share.
2009-06-11 18:26:10
2009-06-11 18:35:33