
Two possible solutions:

  1. You never explicitly added the ChartAxis types to the ScatterPlot. Check the Scatter Plots example for where I drew this info from.
  2. A poster on this page said his scatter plot was not working because he was attempting to add float values greater than 100. I noticed that you (might, not sure as I have not worked with this API before) are doing the same thing.

Hope this helps!

Matthew Jones
Thanks, that's helpful, especially the > 100 tip
Chris McCall

Basically, the CodeSharp library is doing some trickery with the numbers encoding Google Charts insists on, which results in these odd display problems. I tinkered with the data normalization procedures a little and achieved the results I was looking for.

Chris McCall

Hi I am having the same problem with line graphs. What exactly did you tinker to get this to work.

