



Hi All, I have created a IExtenderProvider (Extender) for Controls.using Extender ,I am Iterating the collection of controls and validate it.It works fine.but, some time while changing some designs,or when designer refreshed (while removing some events from code), the properties that provided by Extender (Validation Order and Group,in my case) are getting lost from designer and the control itself is not added into Extender, The validation done by application collapsed (and, of course, application itself ).I have ShouldSerialize and Reset Methods in IExtenderProvider too.but nothing helped me.Please guide me how make all controls visible to extender at all times.

Thanks, Mathi


This sometimes happens when there is an exception in the Extender. If this happens, you will need to debug your extender in design-time. I had to do this several times today. Check out Debugging Design-Time Controls, it should get you started

Other times this happens because you have changed properties and methods of the Extender and the "serialize" values are no longer appropriate.
