



In an application similar to StackOverflow that I am building, I am trying to decide what relationship my Questions, Answers and Comments tables should have.

I could have Questions and Answers both be represented by a single table Posts.

That would allow Comments to have a single foreign key to Posts.

But if Questions and Answers are separate tables, what relationships should Comments have to each of these?

UPDATE: Although the chosen answer recommends a Class Table Inheritance approach and this seems like the best approach in database terms, this option is not supported by the Rails ORM. So, in Rails my models will have to use Single Table Inheritance and will probably look like this:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base  

class Question < Post  
  has_many :answers, :foreign_key => :parent_id  
  has_many :comments, :foreign_key => :parent_id  

class Answer < Post  
  belongs_to :question, :foreign_key => :parent_id  
  has_many :comments, :foreign_key => :parent_id  

class Comment < Post  
  belongs_to :question, :foreign_key => :parent_id  
  belongs_to :answer, :foreign_key => :parent_id  

class CreatePosts < ActiveRecord::Migration  
    def self.up  
      create_table :posts do |t|  
        t.string :type 
        t.string :author   
        t.text :content  
        t.integer :parent_id   

    def self.down  
      drop_table :posts  

CREATE TABLE "posts" (
  "type" varchar(255),  
  "author" varchar(255),  
  "content" text,  
  "parent_id" integer,  
  "created_at" datetime, 
  "updated_at" datetime
+1  A: 

You would need two domain tables that bring the relationships together CommentsForQuestions and CommentsForAnswers. Basically you're going to need to create 5 tables for this purpose:

CommentsForQuestions (relates comments to questions)
CommentsForAnswers (relates comments to answers)

The one problem this has is that it's inferior to the posts idea because referential integrity isn't as strong. I can garuntee that CommentsForQuestions connects to a comment and a question, but I can't prevent both a question and an answer from connecting to the same comment.

Orion Adrian
If I need to search across all comments, though, doesn't this complicate the search query?
Charlie K
No, these are domain tables. You're creating a many-to-many relationship between comments and questions; and comments and answers.
Orion Adrian
CommentsForQuestions and CommentsForAnswers are just link tables - there is only one comments table
Any issues with RI would be minor. Yeah, it might be a little odd if that link exists, but does it bring down the application or corrupt your data? Not really....
Is this called a Polymorphic Association?
Charlie K

A foreign key relationship; you can either have QuestionComments and AnswerComments, or you can have Comments have a Foreign key column for both Questions and Answers (and have those columns be exclusive).

Personally, I'd go with the Posts approach.

Edit: On consideration, there's a third approach that might work; you might have a Comments table, and then just have an association table that associates the Comments with either a Question or an Answer (so Comments would have an ID and the comment, the join table would have a CommentID, an AnswerID, and a QuestionID). Or, you could have just a Comments table, then have an Answer-Comment association table, and a separate Question-Comment association table.

I thought about fragmenting the Comments into two tables. But I wasn't sure if this makes searches more difficult when I need to search across all comments?
Charlie K
there's another approach; I'll add to my answer.

You could create a single comments table with two foreign keys, one to questions.questionID and the other to answers.answerId

Nathan Koop
Two foreign keys? Is that a good idea? Seems complicated.
Charlie K
um... it's not really complicated, you just create the FK's, and when you create a comment on a answer you just populate the answer's id into the correct column.
Nathan Koop
Yep, this is called an "exclusive arc," where exactly one of the foreign keys can be non-NULL.
Bill Karwin
@Bill, thanks, I was unaware of this term. I looked here and noticed where it is listed as a bad practice. Would you agree?
Nathan Koop
+4  A: 

I'd go with the Posts approach. This is the best way to ensure referential integrity.

If you need additional columns for Answers and Questions respectively, put them in additional tables with a one-to-one relationship with Posts.

For example, in MySQL syntax:

  post_id     SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
  post_type   CHAR(1),              -- must be 'Q' or 'A'
  -- other columns common to both types of Post
  UNIQUE KEY (post_id, post_type) -- to support foreign keys

  comment_id  SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, 
  -- other columns for comments (e.g. date, who, text)
  FOREIGN KEY (post_id) REFERENCES Posts(post_id)

CREATE TABLE Questions (
  post_type   CHAR(1),              -- must be 'Q'
  -- other columns specific to Questions
  FOREIGN KEY (post_id, post_type) REFERENCES Posts(post_id, post_type)

  post_type   CHAR(1),              -- must be 'A'
  -- other columns specific to Answers
  FOREIGN KEY (post_id, post_type) REFERENCES Posts(post_id, post_type)
  FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES Questions(post_id)

This is called Class Table Inheritance. There's a nice overview of modeling inheritance with SQL in this article: "Inheritance in relational databases."

It can be helpful to use post_type so a given Post can be only one answer or one question. You don't want both an Answer and a Question to reference one given Post. So this is the purpose of the post_type column above. You can use CHECK constraints to enforce the values in post_type, or else use a trigger if your database doesn't support CHECK constraints.

I also did a presentation that may help you. The slides are up at You should read the sections on Polymorphic Associations and Entity-Attribute-Value.

If you use Single Table Inheritance, as you said you're using Ruby on Rails, then the SQL DDL would look like this:

  post_id     SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
  post_type   CHAR(1),              -- must be 'Q' or 'A'
  -- other columns for both types of Post
  -- Question-specific columns are NULL for Answers, and vice versa.

  comment_id  SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, 
  -- other columns for comments (e.g. date, who, text)
  FOREIGN KEY (post_id) REFERENCES Posts(post_id)

You can use a foreign key constraint in this example, and I recommend that you do! :-)

Rails philosophy tends to favor putting enforcement of the data model into the application layer. But without constraints enforcing integrity at in the database, you have the risk that bugs in your application, or ad hoc queries from a query tool, can harm data integrity.

Bill Karwin
When I mentioned the Posts approach, I meant a single table called Posts that has a column called "type" which could contain the value "Question" or "Answer". Is your design called "Single Table Inheritance"?
Charlie K
No, STI is something different. The design above is called Class Table Inheritance. I'll update my answer above.
Bill Karwin
Wow, this is fantastic. I'll definitely check out the slideshow. 250 slides! You're not short of ideas about database design, are you? I was reading in another answer of yours where you say "These dilemmas are all due to the fact that Polymorphic Associations depends on using data (i.e. a string value) to refer to metadata (a table name)." over here: Doesn't post_type in your example above also use a string value ('A' or 'Q') to refer to metadata (Questions or Answers table)?
Charlie K
Yes, that's a good point. But in this case, it's being used to assist referential integrity among disjoint subtypes in the Class Table Inheritance, instead of subverting referential integrity in the Polymorphic Association.
Bill Karwin
Re. the slides, yes, it was a 3 hour tutorial I presented at the MySQL Conference. Also doing a shorter session at OSCON in July. This all based on material I'm developing for my book "SQL Antipatterns" that I hope to get published later this year.
Bill Karwin
Any chance of putting up the video of your presentation? By the way, thanks for the inheritance article - - that was great.
Charlie K
Sorry, AFAIK there was no video of my presentation recorded at MySQL Conference.
Bill Karwin
Upon further research it seems there is no support for Class Table Inheritance in Ruby on Rails, which is the technology I am using. So it seems I have to choose between Single Table Inheritance and Polymorphic Associations. After reading your slides, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that your preference would be for Single Table Inheritance over Polymorphic Associations, in the absence of Class Table Inheritance as a choice. It appears I will also have to forgo some of the key constraints that you have recommended above - something I'm not happy about but I don't seem to have a choice.
Charlie K
Why wouldn't you be able to use foreign key constraints if you're using Single Table Inheritance? I though you would be able to -- and should. I'll add an example above...
Bill Karwin
Thanks. Yes, I can certainly back up the application-level foreign keys by implementing them in the database as you suggest in your edit. What I meant, though, is that I seem to need to omit the aggregate keys you recommended - UNIQUE KEY (post_id, post_type) in Posts; FOREIGN KEY (post_id, post_type) REFERENCES Posts(post_id, post_type) in Questions; and FOREIGN KEY (post_id, post_type) REFERENCES Posts(post_id, post_type) in Answers. I don't think those are going to work. But a foreign key from Comments to Posts on post_id shouldn't interfere since the application has already declared it.
Charlie K
I edited my question to indicate what the STI version would look like as a Rails model. And I agree that the application's "foreign key" should be backed up by an actual database constraint.
Charlie K
Right; if you use STI you don't need the compound unique key that I showed. You don't necessarily need it even for Class Table Inheritance. It's just an extra way to make sure that a given row in Posts isn't referenced by both Questions and Answers at the same time.
Bill Karwin
Ok, I see, they're just an extra layer of validation. But if I implement the compound unique keys in the database independently of the Rails application, could you envision a situation where that might cause a problem for the application?
Charlie K
I suppose in theory the extra unique constraint wouldn't cause a problem, since the Rails application shouldn't insert any legitimate rows that would violate the constraint. But I haven't tried it in Rails (I seldom use Rails), so I can't say from experience.
Bill Karwin

There are 2 ways that I can think of.

First, use another column in the Comment table to indicate whether the comment belongs to Question or Answer. So the PK of the Comment table becomes wher PostID is the foreign key to Question or Answer and PostType can be someting like 1=Question and 2=Answer.

Second, use a relationship table for each Question and Answer. So you have a Question, Answer, Comment, QuestionComment, and AnswerComment table.

Let's say the primary key of Question, Answer, Comment tables are QuestionID, AnswerID, and CommentID respectively. Then the columns of QuestionComment would be [QuestionID, CommentID]. Similarly, the columns of AnswerComment would be [AnswerID, CommentID].

Your first solution above is called "polymorphic associations" but I don't think it's a good design. You can't create a real foreign key constraint, because PostID can reference either of two parent tables, depending on the value of PostType in the respective row. Foreign keys don't work this way, and if your design requires you to say "omit the referential integrity constraint" then that's a strong code smell.
Bill Karwin
+3  A: 

In the social networks that I build I do something a bit different. If you think about it a comment could be attached to just about any Entity in a site. This could be a blog post, a forum thread or post, an article, someones picture, a persons profile, a vendor of a service, etc. For this reason I create a SystemObjects table which holds the object type (table reference). For the most part I create records for the Entities of my system that will accept comments...but these map directly to my tables. The SystemObjects table houses the SystemObjectID, and a friendly name for future reference (a lookup table).

With this in place I then create a Comments table which has the SystemObjectID reference to tell me what table to go look in. Then I also house the SystemObjectRecordID which tells me which PK of the referenced table I am interested in (along with all the standard comment data).

I use this notion of the SystemObject table for many other generic far reaching concepts in my sites. Think about Tags, Ratings, Comments, and any other dangling fruit that might be attached across your site and aggregated up for quick use.

Read more about this in my book ASP.NET 3.5 Social Networking.

Andrew Siemer
I like this approach