



I'm new to Objective C and I haven't been able to find out if there is the equivalent of a static constructor in the language, that is a static method in a class that will automatically be called before the first instance of such class is instantiated. Or do I need to call the Initialization code myself?


+13  A: 

There is the +initialize class method that will be called before a class is used.

Nathan Kinsinger
Thank you, that's exactly what I was looking for, but I did searches to "static init", "static initializer", etc and didn't find it.
Franklin Munoz
In almost every case, where in Java you'd say "static," you say "class" in Objective-C.
+15  A: 

The +initialize method is called automatically the first time a class is used, before any class methods are used or instances are created. You should never call +initialize yourself.

I also wanted to pass along a tidbit I learned that can bite you down the road: +initialize is inherited by subclasses, and is also called for each subclasses that doesn't implement an +initialize of their own. This can be especially problematic if you naively implement singleton initialization in +initialize. The solution is to check the type of the class variable like so:

+ (void) initialize {
  if ([self class] == [MyParentClass class]) {
    // Once-only initializion
  // Initialization for this class and any subclasses

All classes that descend from NSObject have both +class and -class methods that return the Class object. Since there is only one Class object for each class, we do want to test equality with the == operator. You can use this to filter what should happen only once ever, versus once for each distinct class in a hierarchy (which may not yet exist) below a given class.

On a tangential topic, it's worth learning about the following related methods, if you haven't already:

Edit: Check out this post by @bbum that explains more about +initialize:

Quinn Taylor