



I've been extremely unsuccessful in compiling Botan as a static library in Visual C++. The build.h file contains the following code:

#ifndef BOTAN_DLL
  #define BOTAN_DLL __declspec(dllexport)

This macro then shows up pretty much everywhere in the Botan codebase, like this:

class BOTAN_DLL AutoSeeded_RNG : public RandomNumberGenerator

My understanding from a previous question is that all you need to do is define BOTAN_DLL without a value and it should compile as a static library just fine. However, doing so causes a huge list of build errors like "missing tag name." Anyone know how to do this?

EDIT: Here is a sample of the errors that result from adding /D "BOTAN_DLL" to the makefile:

        cl.exe /Ibuild\include /O2  /EHsc /GR /D_CONSOLE /D "BOTAN_DLL"  /nologo
 /c src\checksum\adler32\adler32.cpp /Fobuild\lib\adler32.obj
build\include\botan/allocate.h(19) : error C2332: 'class' : missing tag name
build\include\botan/allocate.h(19) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' bef
ore 'constant'
build\include\botan/allocate.h(19) : error C2059: syntax error : 'constant'
build\include\botan/allocate.h(20) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' bef
ore '{'
build\include\botan/allocate.h(20) : error C2447: '{' : missing function header
(old-style formal list?)
build\include\botan/secmem.h(229) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' befo
re '*'
        build\include\botan/secmem.h(230) : see reference to class template inst
antiation 'Botan::MemoryRegion<T>' being compiled
build\include\botan/secmem.h(229) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int as
sumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
+1  A: 

What are the first few error messages you get? Maybe you have forgotten a header file include?

It looks like maybe your compilation command is wrong:

cl.exe /Ibuild\include /O2  /EHsc /GR /D_CONSOLE /D "BOTAN_DLL"  /nologo
 /c src\checksum\adler32\adler32.cpp /Fobuild\lib\adler32.obj

I think you incorrectly have a space between the /D directive and the value of the preprocessor symbol you are defining. It should be this:

cl.exe /Ibuild\include /O2  /EHsc /GR /D_CONSOLE /DBOTAN_DLL=  /nologo
 /c src\checksum\adler32\adler32.cpp /Fobuild\lib\adler32.obj

EDIT: if you have /DBOTAN_DLL, this is equivalent to /DBOTAN_DLL=1, you want to use /DBOTAN_DLL= which will give it no associated value. With this /DBOTAN_DLL, it is inserted into your code as the value 1, and the compiler sees the error:

class 1 Allocator { ...
Sure, please see the newly added edit in my original post.
What is on line 19 of allocate.h here? build\include\botan/allocate.h(19) : error C2332: 'class' : missing tag name
It's simply the class definition, like in the original post:class BOTAN_DLL Allocator
It doesn't appear to make a difference whether I put /D "BOTAN_DLL" or /DBOTAN_DLL, the same list of errors comes up.
Sorry yes I made a mistake - you need to have /DBOTAN_DLL= (note the "=" symbol)
Thanks, it compiled this time but do I need to add this preprocessor definition to the project in VC++ that is using the library? Simply adding "#define BOTAN_DLL" in that project doesn't seem to work.
For example, I get a lot of warnings about such and such "needs to have dll-interface".
Roughly speaking, if you are wanting to use the library static linked, then the "dllexport" and "dllimport" directives should not be used at all - so you really need to make sure that symbol is defined correctly so that the directive is not applied
Right, I fixed that problem by adding /DBOTAN_DLL= to my VC++ project as well. Those warnings no longer appear, but the compile still fails with 62 errors, mainly syntax errors in the botan header files, such as: dl_group.h(51): error C2143: syntax error : missing '}' before '('.
Line 51 in that file, by the way, is simply a line in the following enumeration: enum Format { ANSI_X9_42, ANSI_X9_57, PKCS_3, DSA_PARAMETERS = ANSI_X9_57, DH_PARAMETERS = ANSI_X9_42, X942_DH_PARAMETERS = ANSI_X9_42, PKCS3_DH_PARAMETERS = PKCS_3 };
Sometimes the error is caused by an error flowing over from the previous line, what is on the previous line?
Sorry for the late reply, here is the file:
I can't see anything obvious wrong with that file. Is the line 51 the first error in the output?
That's the thing, I don't think there is actually is a syntax error, as this library is widely used. I think something else is causing it to show up. Here is all of my output:
My guess is you have some other preprocessor symbols which are interfering with the build. I would add the /P ( command line option to your build - this means that the compiler will output the full preprocessed output to a file with the same name but ending in ".i" - you can then open that file and see what the file looks like around the bit that is causing the error

__declspec(dllexport) doesn't have anything to do with compiling as a static library. It just signals linker to export specific functionality. To instruct linker to build a static library you must specify Static Library (lib) in

Configuration Type | General | Configuration Type

in project properties dialog. If this particular configuration builds as a dll change of configuration type is not supposed to cause errors.

Oleg Zhylin
I'm not actually building the library in VC++; it's build process is too complex for that. I am building it with nmake using the makefile generated by Botan's, then attempting to link my VC++ project to it.