




Hi everyone, I'm new to web.config and ASP.NEt. I want to make my client to point to different servers which ever is free dynamically....

Is it possible???

It's their a way to have multiple entries in web.config file which we can choose at run time???

Let me be more specific. I have multiple clients which contacts a server for the resource but due to excess load on server I want to have multiple server and which ever server is free that client should contact that server.

Thanks for the Help in advance...

+1  A: 

Redirect might work for you:


Also you could try using a proxy server:


or load balancing server:


I vote for load balancing
Redirect's not an option here - we want to load balance servers, not use some resources on one to make hop to another. Proxy server would be a single point of failure and a bottleneck. Load balancer is what you seek :)
Michał Chaniewski
You mean I need to use web farm concept for this???hmmm..................
+1  A: 

You have to have a separate load balancer in front of your servers.

Also, if you need application sessions, then you will need to move application state out of process - to SQL Server or to ASP.NET State Service, so different servers will share the session state.

You can read about your options about sharing session between servers here: http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-10878_11-1049585.html

Michał Chaniewski

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