
Redirect application's graphical output in Windows Vista/7 (with DWM)

I want to create a desktop manager that takes informations of all running applications including states and screenshots to display and manipulate them in my virtual space (probably in 3D). It can be considered as another layer of abstraction on top of Windows itself. Because many native Windows Vista/7 features like Flip 3D and Live Thu...

Aero Glass Buttons Like Windows Media Player?

Hi everybody, I am making making a program and I want to have a Aero Glass set of controls just like Windows Media Player, I found this: but it just draws black. I also found a control that had the media player controls built in right ton the glass but it was no good it didn't w...

Not drawing a thickframe on a CWnd

I've got an application window in which I'm adding the WS_THICKFRAME style and I have removed the WS_CAPTION style. When the window maximizes, I want to hide the WS_THICKFRAME, but retain the Aero-Snap feature, so I have altered my handler for WS_NCCALCSIZE to return an inflated rect with respect to the size of the window borders. That ...

Adding Taskbar context menu to win7 application

Where can I find documentation about adding a context menu (EDIT: jumplist) to a windows 7 application? You know, when you right click on the application icon on the taskbar. Can I do that using .NET? Or do I need to use native code? Thank you! ...

GTK ComboBox not rendering properly with py2exe

For my sins I am trying to distribute a gtk python application built with py2exe to windows users. I am having a problem whereby any gtk combo box's entries don't get rendered when the list is dropped down. Once you mouse over an item it appears (and when you mouse over an entry other random ones appear). This only happens when the appl...

VB.NET - Ribbon Shows Black Area

Hello, I need help with my program. I've added a ribbon bar to the top of my main form using the DotNetBar and the problem is that it shows a black rectangle area instead of the default blue color. This only happens when I am using Windows 7 aero and is not maximized. Anyone have any suggestions? ...

How to use DrawThemeTextEx in WPF

Hi, I'm working on an application that displays text on Aero Glass. To make it readable I used a OuterGlowBitmapEffect, but, as also described here this is no longer possible in .NET 4 and the DropShadowEffect won't work for Glass either. While searching for a solution I came across the native DrawThemeTextEx in DWMApi, but all examples...

How do I draw a custom button on an Aero theme caption bar without extending non-client area?

I'm trying to figure out how to draw a custom button on the caption bar of windows when using the Aero theme in Vista or Win7. I need to apply this to a number of different applications without changing the original code, so this will be in a hook procedure. Since I can't change the original code, I can't use DwmExtendFrameIntoClientAr...

Problems with using TrackPopupMenu on win7

I'm trying to create context menu using TrackPopupMenu function in my application, the code I use in it is like the following: CMenu menu; if (menu.LoadMenu(IDR_MENU_TRAY)) { CMenu* pSubMenu = menu.GetSubMenu(0); if (pSubMenu != NULL) { pSubMenu->ModifyMenu(IDM_CLOSE,MF...

How would you use Aero glass in UI design

I have a number of utilities that were written in the days of yore and look very dated. So I recently set out to make them use Windows themes and wanted to incorporate some Aero glass effects. Thing is, I'm not quite sure what the appropriate use is. IE7 and now Firefox 4 glass the top part of the window including the toolbar, but that ...

Wait for disable aero to complete

My app has an option to disable aero by calling DwmEnableComposition(0) before capturing a screen image. As you know, disabling aero makes the screen go black then return to normal afterwards. On different PCs this might take 2 to 3 seconds depending on how fast the system is. Is there a better way of determining if aero has fully disa...

Is it possible to use default Windows 7 themes in Windows Embedded Standard 7 ?

Hello folks, Is it possible to use Windows 7 default themes (such as Windows 7 Basic) on Windows Embedded Standard 7 ? If so, how ? I believe themes include common controls styling i.e. they give an "Aero" look to your progress bar instead of the classic Windows 95-ish one. The context of my question is a migration of a WPF applicatio...

Delphi buttons show white border on Aero glass

I have been trying to find a good-looking design using Aero in Delphi 2010. One of the obvious uses one sees, is where the glass frame is extended to include the OK/Cancel buttons at the bottom of the screen. I notice though that this doesn't look quite right in Delphi 2010 - there is a white border all around each button. This image sh...

Delphi support for Aero Glass and the DoubleBuffered property - what is going on and how do we use them?

I am confused by Delphi 2009/2010 support for the Aero Theme Glass features in Windows, and by what, exactly DoubleBuffered means, and what it has to do with Aero glass. I have found that DoubleBuffered is not only a property in the VCL, it also is found in .net WinForms. Initially I wondered if it set some kind of window style bit use...

Delphi button on Glass - Best Looking Third Party Button Component

I am looking for a Delphi button designed to use with Aero Glass running Vista and Windows 7, with the following properties: completely self-drawn TCustomControl descendant. looks good [ renders in a way that looks to the user like a normal button, with no glitches ] over a Glass pane with Aero composition (DWM), no white or black ring...

WPF: Make window unresizeable, but keep the frame?

I have a window that does not have a title bar (WindowStyle == WindowStyle.None). The entire window uses the Aero glass effect. When I make the window unresizeable (ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize), the glass effect disappears and my controls just hang in midair. (Essentially, the window itself disappears but leaves its contents.) Is ...

How to achieve a captionless bordered Aero window?

I know how I can remove the border of my form, but I simply want to remove the caption. Googling for P/Invokes didn't give me much results, so I'm wondering, how can I achieve such a result? Exampel: ...

Tweaking Firefox 4's orange buttom

I'm working in my version of a solution to remove the ugly orange buttom in Firefox 4 Aero, I think it works very well, except with this configuration: Menu Bar: Off; Navigation Toolbar: Off; Bookmarks Toolbar: On; Tabs on Top: Off. It hides the window buttons because I collapse the formerly orange button when tabs are not on top. It's...

Vista/7: How to get glass color?

How do you use DwmGetColorizationColor? The documentation says it returns two values: a 32-bit 0xAARRGGBB containing the color used for glass composition a boolean parameter that is true "if the color is an opaque blend" (whatever that means) Here's a color that i like, a nice puke green: You can notice the color is greeny, and th...

Combining Aero Glass effects and SWT

As a pet project, I've been playing with the concept of integrating Aero Glass effects into my SWT application. Łukasz Milewski has an excellent blog post explaining how this can be accomplished, which pretty much boils down to this: final Display display = new Display(); final Shell shell = new Shell(display); shell.setLayout(new FormL...