
Getting size of a specific byte array from an array of pointers to bytes

In the following example c code, used in an Arduino project, I am looking for the ability to get the size of a specific byte array within an array of pointers to bytes, for example void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // for debugging byte zero[] = {8, 169, 8, 128, 2,171,145,155,141,177,187,187,2,152,2,8,134,199}; ...

Arduino (processing) Library in Netbeans and control

Hello everyone I am trying to control 4 LEDs and getting analog input from 4 contacts. The program is written in java, so to gain acces to the functions of arduino, such as AnalogRead() and setting an LED to high or low, would importing the processing library let the program use those functions? I was also wondering, if the program, wi...

Arduino not able to send serial data back

Hello everyone So i found out how to connect the arduino to my java program. But using the seriel connections dosent give any useful data back, its either in the wrong format, or just sends it as a box. I've looked at the related questions posted early in here, but none of the tips seems to help. So does anyone know how to send the data...

Writing a program which uses voice recogniton... where should I start?

Hello! I'm a design student currently dabbling with Arduino code (based on c/c++) and flash AS3. What I want to do is to be able to write a program with a voice control input. So, program prompts user to spell a word. The user spells out the word. The program recognizes if this is right, adds one to a score if it's correct, and correct...

How do I use .NET to find an orange ball in an image?

I'm getting images from a C328R camera attached to a small arduino robot. I want the robot to drive towards orange ping-pong balls and pick them up. I'm using the C# code supplied by funkotron76 at Is there a library I can use to do this, or do I need to iterate over every pixel in the...

Analog readings on Arduino returns wrong values

Hello i have tried meassuring the analogpin value using the provided standard sketch in the arduino IDE. But even when there is no connection to the pin, it prints out random values. is there anything that has to be taken care of? i have a FSR sensor connected from 5V+ to analog ping 0 ...

invalid conversion from 'char' to 'int* in C

Hi, I have the following arrays: int A[] = {0,1,1,1,1, 1,0,1,0,0, 0,1,1,1,1}; int B[] = {1,1,1,1,1, 1,0,1,0,1, 0,1,0,1,0}; int C[] = {0,1,1,1,0, 1,0,0,0,1, 1,0,0,0,1}; //etc... for all letters of the alphabet And a function that prints the letters on a 5x3 LED matrix: void printLetter(int letter[]) I have a string of letters: c...

how can i use COM & USB ports within cygwin

hi, i want to send/receive data from my arduino board with a python script. I would like to do it using python and its pySerial module which seems to fit my needs. So i installed python and pySerial within cygwin (windows XP behind)) the python script is rather straight forward : $ cat #print "testing my COM26 port using p...

Reversible pseudo-random sequence generator

I would like some sort of method to create a fairly long sequence of random numbers that I can flip through backwards and forwards. Like a machine with "next" and "previous" buttons, that will give you random numbers. Something like 10-bit resolution (i.e. positive integers in a range from 0 to 1023) is enough, and a sequence of >100k ...

ASCII 7x5 side-feeding characters for led modules

Hi! I am looking at the code for the font file here: The code starts like this: const byte font[][5] = { {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}, // 0x20 32 {0x00,0x00,0x6f,0x00,0x00}, // ! 0x21 33 {0x00,0x07,0x00,0x07,0x00}, // " 0x22 34 {0x14,0x7f,0x14,0x7f,0x14}, // ...

arduino emacs development

hi. I would like to use emacs as a development environment for arduino programming. If you use emacs to program arduino, can you share some tips or links which you find useful. Is there official (or de facto) emacs mode? Also, am I going to miss something which is in arduino IDE if I use emacs exclusively? thank you . ...

Using LCD with Arduino

Is it possible to use any LCD with arduino or I need to stick to some for which the libraries are available. I'm just starting out with arduino and know nothing about interfacing LCDs with arduino. I'm planing to buy Old IPhone LCD as they are cheap and big enough to do something useful with them. Also to use iPhone LCD do I need to add ...

Working Android with Arduino

Has anyone tried to make Android and Arduino communicate with each other? I found a couple of projects online: Amarino Android-Arduino What do you guys suggest is the best way to make those two communicate? ...

Bitwise operators and converting an int to 2 bytes and back again.

first time user, Hi guys! So hopefully someone can help.. My background is php so entering the word of lowend stuff like, char is bytes, which are bits.. which is binary values.. etc is taking some time to get the hang of ;) What im trying to do here is sent some values from an Ardunio board to openFrameWorks (both are c++). What this...

Help with Arduino and Analog Min Max settings

Hey there, I have the following code: sVal = analogRead(potPin); // read the value from the sensor valMin = min(sVal, 1); valMax = max(sVal, 128); constrain(sVal,valMin,valMax); itoa(sVal, res, 10); println(res); println(" "); delay(150); clearScreen(); Now for some reason, the output on the gLCD screen is almost...

Arduino - Multiple button event with lcd shield

Hi, I'd like to detect two buttons being pressed together with the Arduino LCD shield. Does anyone have example code of handling multiple button events? I need an event when both the Up and Down buttons are pressed together for 2 seconds. Thanks, Richard. ...

QextSerialPort connection problem to Arduino

I'm trying to make a serial connection to an Arduino Diecimila board with QextSerialPort. My application hangs though everytime I call port->open(). The reason I think this is happening is because the Arduino board resets itself everytime a serial connection to it is made. There's a way of not making the board reset described here, but I...

Resources for playing with my landline phone ?

I have few projects ideas that involve plugging a computer or an arduino to my landline phone (or just before it). For example, I would like to grab the caller ID sent when someone calls, do a lookup on the web or in an address book, and display the associated name on a LED screen. The problem is that I can't find any resources on the p...

Float to String Arduino Compile Error

I'm using this library to convert a float to a string: . This is the snippet of code, where printing out flt looks like "29.37": float flt = tempSensor.getTemperature(); char buffer[25]; char str[20]; Serial.print(floatToString(str, flt, ...

How to send float over serial

Whats the best way to send float, double, int16 over serial on Arduino? The Serial.print() only sends values only ascii encoded. But I want to send the values as bytes. Serial.write() accepts byte and bytearrays, but whats the best way to convert the values to bytes? I tried to cast an int16 to an byte*, without luck. I also used memcpy,...